Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does the prosolution pills work for PE


Does the prosolution pills work for PE

I just wonder if any of you guys have used these pills advertised everywhere in the net ? Does it really work. And which is the best in your experience ?


I’ve never used any pills so I can’t say from experience, but from what I’ve heard is that there a complete waist of time and money, try searching on them /forum/search.php?

Also take a look at this Supplements

Good luck, Jesse

Hmm I don’t know but I’m currently eating them right now, I actually bought this kit from a homepage with a andropenis too, and then you got access to some homepage where there where these instructions how to jelq and etc, but very bad instructions. Thats when I searched if someone else had bought this kit and tried it out, and from there I found this place.once again after not being on this page for about 3 years, and now I havent even tested the andropenis, I only do the newbie routine and maybe ill start hanging after a while, looking forward :D

Started reading and thinking and dreaming years ago but never did it fully heartedly, until now. Start 2005.06 EBPL=5.9 " EG=4.9 " Current EBPL= EG= Goal=Limit is the sky .. And a barrel


Extagen doesnt work either, I’ve wasted enough money on those bulls**t pills. I’m glad I found thunders because it’s free and guaranteed depending on your work you put in and the amount of time you dedicate.

Thanks. Now I know for sure I won’t order these pills. As far as I gathered, these pills PROBABLY help the flow of blood, and maybe that’s all they do.

You know that if you write on your browser : , without the "s" of thunder"s" you are re-direct in the prosolution pills site?

I wonder why.

Originally Posted by slackjawedyokel
Because they are a bunch of **********s

Yeah bro,
I guess so,I hate people like that.

Well, I’ve been using these pills for about 3 months. My penis has not changed at all, but my eyeballs are at least an 1/8” bigger…

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle


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Originally Posted by flee
Thanks. Now I know for sure I won’t order these pills. As far as I gathered, these pills PROBABLY help the flow of blood, and maybe that’s all they do.

If you want to improve blood flow, you can get what you need in the suplement section of your local health food store for much much less.

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