Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The truth about pills!

The truth about pills!

Hello there. We all know that taking pills won’t make your member bigger! That’s a fact! Yes, it may have some advantages, like helping with your libido, erection and overall sexual health. But if taken standalone if won’t make your penis bigger.

However, what many of us would like to know is… would the results given by these exercises be better if we also took Pro Solution pills or VigRx pills? (they’re just an example… I just mentioned those because they are the better know penis pills)

I mean:

Routine A = exercising + pro solution/vigrx pills
Routine B = exercising

Would we get better results by following routine A instead of B? Common sense makes me think that routine A would bring faster results.

But that’s just my opinion (I’m not a pro, of course). What is your opinion about that?

Thank you very much.
Best regards to all.

To the best of my knowledge, using pills (routine A) might give you a harder erection, which will help with girth training, but I don’t think it’ll do anything (or at least anything much) for length. However, I’ve not tried anything like that, and I’m not ever likely to, so maybe someone who has actually tried it can give you a more informed viewpoint.

If you want want to improve you erection quality, you don’t need to buy one of those expensive quack fake growth pills. The main ingredient is almost always L-arginine, so buy that. It’s much cheaper. Or if you prefer, buy ginsing or ginko, but don’t buy that expensive shit and encourage them to make more.

The answer is a definite NO.
How do I know, because I tried using Vig-Rx and it made no difference at all.
Save your money. If you really want to spend $ on your PE, make a Wench, CCH3 or buy a Bib hanger or Pump. Far better investment.

I am still amazed at the number of guys looking for a “quick fix”. PE requires time and dedication. If you are not prepared to put in the time, then don’t bother.

Nothing in this world is worth having, if it is not worth working for. PE is no exception,

Originally Posted by Andrew69

Nothing in this world is worth having, if it is not worth working for. PE is no exception,

This needed to be repeated. Well said good advice Andrew. Man your aviator has a really nice ass. Thats what I think every freaking time I see that thing!

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Originally Posted by gprent101
If you want want to improve you erection quality, you don’t need to buy one of those expensive quack fake growth pills. The main ingredient is almost always L-arginine, so buy that. It’s much cheaper. Or if you prefer, buy ginsing or ginko, but don’t buy that expensive shit and encourage them to make more.

How much L-arginine do you take daily?

Well, there are several forums that believe that pills may help the exercising routine. I mean, they say the pills standalone won’t lenghten your member, but can help do it if combined with a stretching routine.

If your interested in pills, get the individual ingredients. It’s far cheaper and will last longer because you’ll get more for less.

I use arginine, ginko, red panax ginseng, cayenne, and zinc.(among other non-PE supplements) I find them great for enhancing my workouts, faster harder erections etc.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Krtel
How much L-arginine do you take daily?

L-arginine is best taken on an empty stomach, so, three times a day, before meals, take a 1000mg tablet. L-arginine will boost NOX levels and help with cum loads. A lot of weight trainers also use L-arginine in their training regimes.

Originally Posted by Krtel

Well, there are several forums that believe that pills may help the exercising routine. I mean, they say the pills standalone won’t lenghten your member, but can help do it if combined with a stretching routine.

Let me guess, you buy them through the forum, right?

Can you say S-C-A-M ?

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Let me guess, you buy them through the forum, right?
Can you say S-C-A-M ?

I didn’t buy any pills!
But have you tried them to know if they are useless if combined with an exercising routine?

Originally Posted by Krtel

I didn’t buy any pills!

But have you tried them to know if they are useless if combined with an exercising routine?

Andrew69 sounds like he did in his post above, but maybe he can clarify if he was also doing PE at the time.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Krtel.. Thanx for posting this Thread! This has been a burning question Ive thought about all weekend. Seems logical that the pills could only help, but Id be more apt to take ANDREW69’s advice if he has already tried them himself. More than likely, this is something that alot of memebers have thought of. Might be good to ask some more veterans like ANDREW69 and see what they say. Andrew has managed to add 2+ inches in a years time, which is a pretty nice gain, so Id be more inclined to take his advice. My hunch is that others will say they dont make a difference.

I havent come across a thread yet that has had success from taking pills, but hey..remember that not everyone is built the same.

Current:3/31/2004 NBPEL----7.0" Base EG---5.25 Midshaft 4.8125

Start: 10/15/2004 NBPEL----5.9375" Base EG--5.0625" Midshaft 4.625

I have been taking extagen for 2 months now, not one bit of results, no firmer erections or increased libido….wasted my money and all I had to do was read this forum first.

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