Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Don't Forget To Sun The Boys!


Don't Forget To Sun The Boys!

Sun feels so therapeutic on your privates. To boost testosterone it is recommended 20 min a day! Just do it in private guys!

I like the feeling, too. But is there research about the testosterone boost?

Watch out for sunburn!

In a quick Google search tons of articles pop up. You really have to dig through them and find to truly credible researchers. I just know it feels good there has to be some benefits.

Yes there is research.

If you go to Joovv , they’re selling devices to allow it indoors but they link a lot of the research.

Much better is real sun, if you have the option.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Been on this for years and have surging test levels, some days I feel like Mike Tyson!

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

I can’t wait for warmer weather! I would love a joovv but they are expensive. A regular red heat lamp does a nice job.


I used to meditate and use sunlight as therapy-healing for my eyes and brain. The other health benefits of sunlight (vitamins etc) have been well documented.

If you guys want to receive sun rays—please do it safely.
Receive your rays anywhere from when it rises.. Or before 10:30AM, before peak hours. If you cannot find the time.. Use the appropriate amount of sunscreen.

I used to try and get 25 min. MINIMUM—often getting up to 90 minutes of therapeutic sun healing-restoration

That time of year is near! Something so restorative with the sun 🌞 can’t wait. I even have used my hot tub as cover midday. And damn I get so easily turned on after. Try it guys!


There’s quite a lot of research on the toxicity of sun creams. I’m surprised they haven’t been banned. Zinc oxide cream is a safe alternative but it’s high SPF and it pales the skin. The much better route is no sun cream at all but you need to be able to control your exposure initially to build a “callous”, i.e. return to the shade as soon as the sun starts to redden the skin. The darker toned your skin is initially the less you have to worry. Also after 10:30 is probably better from the point of view of vitamin D generation (and NO etc.). If your shadow is longer than you, that’s unlikely to be happening. The darker your skin tone the more sun you need for the same health benefits as someone with lighter skin. You have to be way more careful about limiting initial exposure if you’re living in an ancestrally incompatible region were there is more sun, for example you have Scottish heritage and you’re living in LA or Mumbai.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

By what mechanism does exposing the scrotum to direct sunlight increase testosterone?
Heat? Heat could be achieved without risking sunburn and skin cancer.
Moreover, I sincerely doubt that heat improves testosterone production, lest the testes would either not be external to the body or would not the the center of testosterone production.

As far as science can determine, UV doesn’t penetrate beyond the dermis. So IF UV exposure were somehow implicated in testosterone boosting, it wouldn’t matter whether it was the scrotum or any other body surface.

This truly sounds like a placebo that somebody made up which has no actual benefit and is potentially harmful if undertaken imprudently.

I personally went the other route and avoid exposing myself to sun more than necessary.

I prefer staying in the dark and I haven’t had any problems so far. In the summertime, when it’s 50 billion degrees celsius outside it is perfect for a beach fiesta. But I go there once or twice a year even though I live 10km away from the shore.

I do this for two reasons:
1. I get bad sunburns and even if I spread yoghurt on them (people claim it helps relieve the pain) they still hurt for the rest of the week. And then I have to peel the dead skin off so it is cumbersome.
2. It feels good to feel all the heat and sunshine on your skin, but in my opinion it weakens your body, making it drop its guard down. Thus, I have been showering with cold water exclusively for years, conditioning my body to endure more and more cold even throughout winter. I also have this thing where my eyes are super sensitive to either gusts of wind blowing against them or sunshine covering the field of vision and they end up leaking as if crying.

Of course, to each his own.


There’s quite a lot of research in this. try “uv light increases testosterone research” in your favorite search engine. If I remember correctly one potential mechanism is that uv light decreases production from glands in the brain that suppress testosterone. There are others and I’m not sure that the research is at the level where they have actual mechanisms rather than potential mechanisms. We do know that a lot of our bodily function are controlled by circadian rhythms and that light plays an important part in regulating that. Obvious we evolved before clothes and our bodies are designed to receive sunlight.


Sometimes diet seems to cause sunburns. There’s a bunch of anecdotal evidence on that coming from the carnivore community. The synopsis is that people who always burned, no longer do. I’m not aware of any research on that though. Maybe in another 10-20 years we’ll have something.

The method of slowly increasing exposure prevents burning. The reason we burn is because we subject our bodies to too much sun too quickly. If we can ration the sun initially our skin builds up resistance.

This whole avoiding the sun thing is a very recent thing. Humans living in buildings is pretty recent. The majority of our time on this planet as homo sapiens has been as hunter gathers. You get a lot of sun as a hunter gatherer, even in northern climes.

It sounds like you live in a northern clime.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento


Sometimes diet seems to cause sunburns. There’s a bunch of anecdotal evidence on that coming from the carnivore community. The synopsis is that people who always burned, no longer do. I’m not aware of any research on that though. Maybe in another 10-20 years we’ll have something.

The method of slowly increasing exposure prevents burning. The reason we burn is because we subject our bodies to too much sun too quickly. If we can ration the sun initially our skin builds up resistance.

This whole avoiding the sun thing is a very recent thing. Humans living in buildings is pretty recent. The majority of our time on this planet as homo sapiens has been as hunter gathers. You get a lot of sun as a hunter gatherer, even in northern climes.

It sounds like you live in a northern clime.

Actually I live in a continental climate country. But like you said early and continuous exposure throughout the hot season conditions your skin to take it and I agree. As a child I used to go to the beach a lot and get suncream spread on my skin. Usually I got sunburnt when I stood more than I should have in July and/or missed getting suncream on. Nowadays I just want to handle all of the issues on hand before going to the beach, which usually ends up getting postponed for the next year, hence my decision to ditch it altogether.

It’s a pity that modern life takes us away from healing behaviors. It’s something we notice years down the line. How’s your vitamin D status?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
It’s a pity that modern life takes us away from healing behaviors. It’s something we notice years down the line. How’s your vitamin D status?

I don’t know to be honest. I haven’t tested myself.


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