Donut from Jelqing?
Today after my Jelqing session I was showering and I noticed that the bottom portion of my foreskin seemed a little puffy or swolen (I’m uncut). I’m assuming this is from the donut effect. From what I’ve read it’s harmless however I also read that the more you get the donut effect the more often it will reoccur. If this is the case how can I avoid it as I’d really rather not get the donut everytime I Jelq. My question is, is there anyway to avoid this and is there any long-term repercussions to getting a donut everytime?
While I was trying to figure out why this occured I noted that today I Jelqed 5 minutes longer than usual and I was also less erect when I started. I know that when pumping if you start flacid it can cause lymph fluid buildup. Anyhow have any thoughts or comments on this?