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Dr. Lin Ballooning, He's a fake but is ballooning

Dr. Lin Ballooning, He's a fake but is ballooning

I’ve searched dr lin on this site and found westla’s post that exposed him for a fraud, but I have also heard of many people of this site that say ballooning has caused great gains for them and so I am wondering that even though his pills and whack meds are a fake, is this ballooning method and actual routine/excerise that can increase penis size?? I only bring this up because I keep finding people on this site that say it’s brought them gains & I can understand why he would lie but not people on here

I don’t think it’s “many” people on this site. Mostly just one: Sweet rewards - balloning works with a couple of guys who want to learn more. Ballooning is edging with Taoist chi manipulation thrown in. In other words (mine) it’s extended masturbation to the edge of ejaculation and the mental image of that sensation moving up your spine. I can’t see how that will make your dick bigger. We have guys who say they have gains from it, but as far as I know nothing to prove it (i.e. photos).

You can find about 35 threads on the subject by using the search button (top right of every page) and selecting “search titles only” from the drop down menu below the search term text block on the left side of the page. Put in “ballooning” as the search term and you’ll get a list of threads that may help you to better understand the technique.

Yeah I did that shortly after posting and found a few threads on it from guys claiming to have gains and you and thunder usually on the other side of the argument.. You two seem to know what your talking about a lot more than most.

I don’t know theres so many different opinions and ideas that contradict other ones on this site (it’s a great site don’t get me wrong) but I’m just confused. Like some threads say kegeling is great and will help with Erection strength and premature ejaculation while others say it will hurt, some say edging is great while others say it’s a phony..

The noobie routine says do 10 mins of jelqing starting off but then when people don’t get gains it’s because they are overtraining although they are sticking to the routine that they were given.. I don’t know I’m just confused on what I should actually do

Personally, if you are going to do the ancient art of edging, (that was inscribed on tablets around 1200 B.C. :uhuh: ),I would suggest that you wear a modern aged mega stretch cock ring to get a fuller, but not fully constricted effect. You’ll be surprised how they can maintain a pump, but not cut off blood flow or constrict too much. IMO, the best way of edging, if you do it.

Lol, yeah I’ve seen this guy. He’s crazy

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