Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Drug Using and PE


Do your homework: Know all the risks entailed and resurch the crap out of what you are doing or building before you start. If you f*ck up it is your responsibility and your’s alone!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I have dope dealers in my family, Got and oz of Hydro tonight and some blow making jujuflies. I smoke only the best, I don’t do anything that doesn’t get me high in less than one joint. I roll some small j`s too and oz will last me a month.

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

Not that I endores or condone any of this stuff you understand, it’s just what I heard from a friend.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I understand your logic iamaru, I substitute it with my own but thanks for your concern anyway I did ask for it didn’t I

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

Originally Posted by iamaru

Damn you are fast!

opsec= operational security. Take precautions: don’t blow your self up and remove all solvents from your final product.

comsec= communication security. Don’t get chummy and tell the guy at the store why you are buying 6 big cans of butane. Don’t talk about it on the phone. Don’t tell you brother or your best friend.

Nor should you tell a forum with 35,000 members

Actually, I agree with iamaru on the quality issue: Being a child of the sixties, I’ve lived a pretty stoned life. Given it all up except the buds, and now only smoke high grade homegrown. I remember when you could buy an ounce of cheap Mexican dirt weed for $10.00 and have to roll joints the size of Havanas to get a buzz. Its a wonder any of us here over fifty can get a hard on at all or breathe without the aid of an iron lung. As far as how cannabis affects PE: I think anything you smoke dehydrates you and screws up capillary circulation. So if you are going to smoke it, use moderation and smoke only the best. Also, I would think it best to toke up after the hang session, not before.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Ah…Thank you iamaru.


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