Thunder's Place

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Drug Using and PE


Drug Using and PE

Do any of you guys do any questionable activity’s and does It mess with gains. I am a pot smoker and some white stuff sometimes but mostly pot. I was on oxyconten for arthritis, but I could not ever get an erection. So I’m getting injections now and no Oxy, OXY is a baddddd thing people It will make you hurt more that not taking it. I was on 160 mg a day, It was killing me. Staying Baked not fried, the healthy choice!

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

I use supplements for my bodybuilding hobby. Creatine, Tribulus, Glutamine, Protein Powder, multivitamins, cod liver oil, vitamin C 1000mg pills. Are they questionable? A few are.

Marijuana will descrease your erection level, perhaps thru lack of full expansion over time it could cause shrinkage :) Cocaine can cause priapism. You lose the ability to lose an erection because the mechanism is somehow stuck. Sorry about your arthritis. I hope you drop the drug habit though. Good luck.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Thanks for the info, can’t say stopping will be easy but if it will help my gains. I will give it the old college try!

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

If you are going to be cannabis-ized smoke the kind bud. Not saying you should or shouldn’t smoke, and I don’t know your $ situation or how well connected you are. It’s simply that you can get a mo-better buzz from a single pull of super high grade than from smoking schwag all day. No matter which you smoke it will cause circulation problems, especially with all those itty bitty capilaries down in your unit and that will affect its size. So if you are only smoking a pull or three as opposed to a J or three you will be causing much less damage.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I think coke, and a nasty OC addiction would be far worse than occasional pot smoking. I smoke every now and then, but not by any means on a regular basis, and I’m sure that more than a few experienced PEers do the same.

Plus, being bombed on Oxy and feeling nothing certainly wouldnt be part of a solid PE routine. I’m glad to hear you overcame that as I know it is one of the worst to kick.

I smoke weed and do the powder time to time too and I get good gains, id imagine better gains if I quit the smoking but sometimes I love a bit of powder before sex as it makes me numb and I can fuck for hours, I can also control the bloodflow alot better making it thicker or longer, or a bit of both.

NOT advocating drug use!

Fuck it man.

I smoke dope from time to time depending on my living situation but my gains have been solid all the way .

My dick stays alot harder when I’m not smoking but I don’t see why smoking would hurt

This fear and shit is exactly what “big brother” wants.

It keeps on are feet

That being said, I think ill go burn one and then hang some weights from my rod

I think there is a lot of speculation going on here. Especially, the part about marijuana decreasing your erection level and causing shrinkage…that ain’t gonna happen. When people say don’t smoke it will inhibit PE, they are talking about cigarrettes, not pot. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. It will constrict your blood vessels and produce less blood flow. Marijuana will not do that, in fact from what I’ve read, it actually increases blood flow (as it raises your heart rate).

I’m not sure about the coke or the oxy’s…they really aren’t the best things to be doing anyway (not that pot is the best thing in the world either). However, it is safer than alcohol and it isn’t going to make your dick numb like drinking too much Jack or doing a lot of blow can. In Fact, it will only add to the pleasent sensations.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Oh yeah, I’m with iamaru. Schwagg is not your friend.

Yeah I’m with you on that doubles
Cannabis definitely increases blood flow and if I’m not mistaking it also allows more oxygen to flow in your blood
Similar to the effects that ginko biloba has

That being said, I think ill go burn one and then hang some weights from my rod

Originally Posted by samus318
That being said, I think ill go burn one and then hang some weights from my rod

Originally Posted by samus318
That being said, I think ill go burn one and then hang some weights from my rod


Happy 420!

I don’t know I’ve experienced the hardest erections on pot. STONER BONERS as some would call it. But yea, painkillers and things of that sort would ruin your erectile function.

Seems that I started a fire with this one. But it’s a Valid question. I just want anyones view. I know drugs are not the best thing to spend your money on. I grew up in a hippie family, At thanksgiving all of us 30+ people fire um up. It’s a cornerstone in my family. I have been smoking dope since I was 4yo my dad and my uncle taught me how to smoke. I picked up the blow on my own, But I don’t do it but on very very special times. The oxy was my doctors fault I’m in a law suit against my doctor with a few others in my town. But I don’t even think about it anymore. I just deal with my aches. To bad Bextra was taken off the market. Thanks guys For all the INFO.


6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

Burning any kind of plant matter and inhailing the smoke is bad for you! If you are smoking super high grade that doesn’t matter much at all. If you smoke like a chimney and or only have access to ditch wead consider both of the following:

Thankfully the portion of the canabis you want will vaporize at a lower temperature than that needed to ignite the plant matter, build or invest in a vaporizer. If total schwag is all you can get look into using butane for an oil extraction (Supercritical Fluid Extraction).

In either case do homework and exercise opsec and comsec at all times!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru

In either case do homework and exercise opsec and comsec at all times!



Damn you are fast!

opsec= operational security. Take precautions: don’t blow your self up and remove all solvents from your final product.

comsec= communication security. Don’t get chummy and tell the guy at the store why you are buying 6 big cans of butane. Don’t talk about it on the phone. Don’t tell you brother or your best friend.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 04-21-2005 at .

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