Thunder's Place

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Dry jelq: kegel before or after the stroke?

Dry jelq: kegel before or after the stroke?

I saw the dry jelq video and it says you should kegel and hold it at the end of the stroke. Wouldn’t it be better if you kegel at the beginning (at the base), hold it and force more blood into the shaft during the stroke?

It’s up to you really.

When I used to do my dry jelqs I used to clamp a kegel for around 3 seconds and then form the OK grip trapping in the blood and then I would proceed with the stroke.
I would do this for about 10 reps and repeat every 30 or so jelqs.

Doing it at the end of the stroke will fill the penis with more blood ready for the next stroke.

Both would be more or less as effective as each other and shouldn’t make a great deal of difference, just try experimenting with different techniques.

Correct me if I am wrong, but from what I remember reading dry jelqing is recommended for length while wet jelqing is preferred for girth. I also believe that the pre-jelq kegel is good for girth.

I think its reversed.

Wet = length
dry - girth

The regular jelq, dry or wet, should give you both length and girth increases. I wet jelqed for my first two months of PE, non-stop, (well, I did sleep occasionally), “angel” and gained an inch during that time in both length and girth.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I’m all about the dry jelq now, I think they work wonders! Although technically mine aren’t “dry” because I still use the lube, I just sqeeze hard enough that my hand doesn’t slide anymore. I think my girth is starting to work back what I lost, and I’m even starting to hit over the 7-1/4” length mark though not consistantly.

I’m considering possibly trying some hanging, but I’m going to have to look into some stealth way to do it. For now I’ll stick with the BTL is that what they’re called? (Between The Legs?) I already lock myself in my room for like 2 hours for PE (I say I’m meditating, which is sort of true) but if I’m going to hang for an extended time I don’t think I can really do that without seeming kind of strange. I guess I should read up on some of the stealth hanging threads…

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Redwood, would you say you have seen a big improvement since starting the dry jelqs?

You see, I don’t do dry jelqs anymore. The only specifically targeted girth exercise I do is based on an engorgement type exercise. But I’m thinking of starting up with dry jelqs again, however this time, I probably wouldn’t include them into my routine I would just do them every time I get hard etc.


Where would I be without PE?

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