Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dry Jelq Vs. Wet Jelq

Dry Jelq Vs. Wet Jelq

What’s the benefits of choosing one over the other and who amongst the uncut crew do you do the most (dry or wet)?

Personally, when i am dry jelqing, it will only be for a short time and at the end of an extended stretching session. For example, I try to keep all my PE sessions limited to an hr time frame. On stretching sessions (done every other day) i will stretch for 50 mins, then dry jelq for 10 mins. I choose dry over wet because it’s only a small time frame I’m dealing with, and variety is good in training.

But on my jelqing sessions, i will stretch for 10, then wet jelq for 50 mins. I choose wet jelq because without the lube, hard strokes on dry skin can cause irritability, especially when jelqing for that long.

Anyhow, after trying both methods, i feel like i am getting a better workout with the dry jelq then the wet, but logically, the extended wet jelq session should be more beneficial because you are jelqing for alot longer. I understand the principle of quality over quantity, but when it comes to training, sometimes quanitity is all that counts.

Pro’s, Newbs and any in betweens, please explain what the difference between dry and wet means.

Starting Stats (March 16): BPEL = 6 EG: = 4.5

Current Stats (April 16): Don't want to measure yet. In another 2 months mos def.


I’ll try to describe DRYJELQING as best I can.

1. What you do is make an ok grip at the base of your shaft. Grip the base tightly. You should be at least at 70-80% erect for maximum effectiveness.
2. Now squeeze and pull/push along the shaft, using the skin on your shaft as the sliding barrier while you are forcing bloodflow toward the glans.

That’s it. Your ok grip is NOT sliding across the skin causing irritation.

With a WET JELQ, lube is applied to your shaft and your hand does slide along the skin from the base up to below the glans with one hand, then repeat with the other.

I hope this explanation helps.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Yeh it’s pretty much what i’ve been doing. With the erection % thing though, i will start at about 80%-90% and keep going until it drop to about 40%, then i will go again.

Judging from you post however, i take it that its a personal preference between dry and wet, as apposed to advantages and disadvantages. Am i right in assuming this?

Starting Stats (March 16): BPEL = 6 EG: = 4.5

Current Stats (April 16): Don't want to measure yet. In another 2 months mos def.


You are correct. It is a personal preference. During my first year or so at PE’ing I was a wetjelqer and made good progress. Once I realized what dryjelqing was all about, I started to do both. Now, if I jelq, it is dryjelqing because of its simplicity, no fuss and doability whenever I have some privacy. When I’m traveling and don’t take my pumping accessories, etc., it’s a great way to get in some regular PE’ing.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I like dry jelqing because it only requires one hand which lets me read while jelqing.

Also, I am paranoid about getting a turkey neck or stretch marks, and I think dry jelqing should stress the skin a lot less because the skin is moving with the hand and its the tunica thats taking most of the stress. In fact, this seems like a good reason to dry jelq, keep the stress on the tunica rather than wasting the stress on the skin.

start: 6x4.8 (6.6bpel) goal: 8x6


I find it hard to believe you can jelq and read at the same time. I can see hanging and reading, but with jelqing, you need to maintain a certain erection level and I would think reading would bring you right down to flaccid.

It would seem to me you would get faster results if you concentrated on jelqing while you jelq and use the power of positive thinking during your routine to achieve optimum results.

I was reading erotica, like the one mraverage posted! :D

start: 6x4.8 (6.6bpel) goal: 8x6


I made great progress wet jelqing during the first month of my PE experience. Dry jelqing came with the stretches. Like Peforial, I find the dry jelq more convenient. By the way, your routine sounds like a good one. Good luck.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by wunderwang
I like dry jelqing because it only requires one hand which lets me read while jelqing.

Yeah definitely! that and it keeps your mouse and keyboard dry hehe. But maintaining a partial erection is difficult while reading as gprent101 mentioned. However there is a solution. Porn.

I’m lucky to have 2 monitors (need them for work. I work from home) so while I jelq I keep thunders on one screen while running the porn on the other. When i feel that my semi is dropping, i look over to the porn and it’s ready for action again. Disadvantage to this is that your little soldier can stand to attention 100% sometimes, and you got to wait until it drops a little to get your PE on.

I also like using porn because the mpgs are timed out, so i don’t need to keep a watch on time. If the mpg runs for 3 mins. and you have a 10 minute jelq session, just run it 3 1/4 times and your good!

Another thing i like to do is when i’m having the big jelq sessions (50 mins.) i will load up the longer films, and try to compete with the guy in the film, seeing if i can keep mine up for longer then him. This is usually not a problem because i have noticed that alot of guys that have baby-arms 7-9 inches deep, have a real hard time keeping themeselves to the 60-100% range. I also like using these films because it really motivates me to do PE. When you see the guy whip it out i’m like phwoar “i want one of those, must…jelq…harder”.

Starting Stats (March 16): BPEL = 6 EG: = 4.5

Current Stats (April 16): Don't want to measure yet. In another 2 months mos def.

Sweet! Thunders on one monitor, porn on the other monitor. Sounds like the best of both worlds :D

start: 6x4.8 (6.6bpel) goal: 8x6

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