Dry jelqing...more like a squeeze!?

I’ve been dry jelqing for just over a year now and it has since occured to me that because you can only dry jelq with one hand at a time, the range of motion is often very short and not like typical wet jelqing.

To me, it is much more like a squeezing action, than a jelqing action. Even if I grab with an “Ok” symbol right at the base, the stroke of the motion is not very consistent and it often feels more like I am making a very short motion up to my glans and then just holding it there for a second.

Current Stats NBPEL 6.5" (maximum erection) BPEL 7" (maximum erection) MSEG 5.2" BSEG 5.3" NBPFSL 7" BPFSL 7.2"

Goal (Let's just call it 8x6, eh?)