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Suggestions for Avoiding Turkey Neck while Dry Jelqing

Suggestions for Avoiding Turkey Neck while Dry Jelqing

I am circumcised, and have been dry jelqing for the past 5 months, more or less 5 times a week, about 200-300 strokes each session. Although I have had some gains, I have also noticed that my turkey neck was increasing, moving up my shaft. I have stopped my routine in the last couple of weeks out of fear it would keep increasing, so does anyone have any suggestions on how I can keep dry jelqing without increasing the turkey neck effect? Thank you

If I understand you, the line of circumcision is moving up. This means the thicker external skin of the penis is stretching up, but the internal shaft is not. I think it happens to a lot of us, certainly me, although I don’t see it as a problem to stretch the skin, because that starts the growth phase happening and adds some mass to your member. But a lot of discussion here is devoted to stretching the ligs and the tunica, in order to get the shaft bigger at the core where it counts. I think you probably should start a stretching program along with your jelqing. Read about the stretching exercises in the basic techniques threads, and check out the movie clips which demonstrate the stretches.

If you are circumcised, you would probably be better wet jelqing. Dry jelqing can cause turkey neck. Have a look at some of the links in ‘Similar Threads’ at the bottom of the page.

But supposing I wanted to stick to dry jelqing, is there anything I can do to prevent turkey neck?

The only thing that will help is jelqing one handed while using the other and to hold the turkey neck area down and stop it being stretched. It probably would not be as effective for getting gains though.

Firegoat, I have never noticed the Similar Threads pane. Thanks for the info.

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