Thunder's Place

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Is Turkey Neck A sign of gains


Is Turkey Neck A sign of gains

Hi Guys, I’ve being PEing for a little over 2 and a half months and I am starting to develop the dreaded turkey neck. I was just wondering is the turkey neck a sign that you are making gains?. Also to prevent my turkey neck, I try this. While stretching I use my left hand to stretch, while I put my right hand at the base of my penis and hold the turkey neck skin back. Just curious if this is alright to do? There is no negative effects is there?

Would some of you guys like to chime in with some opinions on how to prevent it??

Also is the turkey neck permanent?

P.S. Please don’t tell me to use the search button I’ve tried that already.

Thanks guys.

Originally Posted by JohnnyC1
Hi Guys, I’ve being PEing for a little over 2 and a half months and I am starting to develop the dreaded turkey neck. I was just wondering is the turkey neck a sign that you are making gains?. Also to prevent my turkey neck, I try this. While stretching I use my left hand to stretch, while I put my right hand at the base of my penis and hold the turkey neck skin back. Just curious if this is alright to do? There is no negative effects is there?

Would some of you guys like to chime in with some opinions on how to prevent it??

Also is the turkey neck permanent?

P.S. Please don’t tell me to use the search button I’ve tried that already.

Thanks guys.

I really don’t know much about turkey neck, all I know is that I have seen it and don’t want it, the same goes with baseball bat dick.

So, C’mon dude, spell the beans, what exersices are you doing and are you a member here?

I guess now you are a member. Under your handle (name) it said nothing it just gave your name.

I don’t have the expertise with your question, but keep trying to get an answer, we have a lot of experts here.

Is Turkey Neck A sign of gains

:nodding: Yup…skin gains, that is.

Seriously though, turkey necking is not a sign of gains. Only a bigger dick, and a look of surprise on your girlfriend’s face, is a sign of gains.



Originally Posted by Ziggaman
:nodding: Yup…skin gains, that is.

Seriously though, turkey necking is not a sign of gains. Only a bigger dick, and a look of surprise on your girlfriend’s face, is a sign of gains.

Are you sure about that Ziggaman? I’m sure it has some gains, but he must be doing something wrong, and has JohnnyC1 mentioned his work out, NO! and did I ask him for his work out, YES. C’mon JohnnyC1, if you need some help, you need to give some more information or that turkey neck is going to gobble up your dick.

Originally Posted by JohnnyC1
Hi Guys, I’ve being PEing for a little over 2 and a half months and I am starting to develop the dreaded turkey neck. I was just wondering is the turkey neck a sign that you are making gains?. Also to prevent my turkey neck, I try this. While stretching I use my left hand to stretch, while I put my right hand at the base of my penis and hold the turkey neck skin back. Just curious if this is alright to do? There is no negative effects is there?

Would some of you guys like to chime in with some opinions on how to prevent it??

Also is the turkey neck permanent?

P.S. Please don’t tell me to use the search button I’ve tried that already.

Thanks guys.

JohnnyC1, you ask a question, then you take off, why thread if you are not going to stick around to help us answer your questions?

I stretch and jelq. What else do you need to know? Why is it relevant that you know my work out?? All I wanted to know was if the technique I was using to prevent it was safe.

Why are you so interested in my work out?

Can someone please tell me if turkey neck is permanent?

A sign of gains I have noticed is when I have an erection the skin on my shaft looks really thin & when I slowly peel the skin away from my head it looks & feels really tight, like what’s inside is about to burst out.

I guess these are PI’s.

If you belive you can achive, just look at me - Tupac Shakar

Originally Posted by JohnnyC1
I stretch and jelq. What else do you need to know? Why is it relevant that you know my work out?? All I wanted to know was if the technique I was using to prevent it was safe.

Why are you so interested in my work out?

Because your workout and the way you are working can be the reason why you are getting the neck. If you would get in to more detail with your threads, someone here can possibly help you with your problem. We have some Seniors here with turkey neck and I’m sure they now know the reason why, dude. That is why it can be relevant to know your workout. Just trying to help.


I jelq the same way to help keep TN at bay. If you do a search about TN you will see what some of us are doing to try to prevent it. Myself, i’ve been wrapping my ball sack with a rag and then putting on a 1-5/8 pc of velcro strap leftover from when I made a Cap Wench.

I put it right over the rag, it’s to spread your ball-sack and stretch the skin. I don’t know if it stops it but it keeps what I have all ready out of my way when jelqing.

(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

I’d also like to know if Turkey Neck is perminent. I have a gobbler forming as well. It’s from doing wet jelqs I know that much. I am uncut also. I have tried putting a cock ring around my sack to keep the neck at bay, but I find it to be uncomfortable. I’ll try the velcro wrap, but I doubt it will be much better.

Maybe I should just switch to dry jelqs instead.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Originally Posted by JohnnyC1
Can someone please tell me if turkey neck is permanent?

Yes theres not enought skin so you get a turkey neck.

I have it and I stretch the skin once and a while. I havent tried to get rid of it that much yet with a routine or anything

Just remember that Foreskin Restoration is kinda like creating a turkey neck on the other side.

I think you need to work the inside of the Penis more.

Turkey neck, on the other hand, is pretty much inevitable, although it can be lessened.

I agree with the above that you may not have enough skin for your cock, as consequence your body is compensating. Translating this to growth. Eg. Natural boys have a higher ability to grow than cut as there is more skin. (This depends on the cut and many other factors, however).

I am Natural, just like you. YES, for PE the foreskin can get in the way. I try to hold it back with a cock ring. Tape, etc. I have these silicone sleeves that I wear. I pull the skin back, and install the sleeve. The extra skin then goes to the base. I may use a cockring on the base. This seems to work.

I then put myself in the traction device ( I use the AndroPenis with my own modifications). I’ve noticed that I have more skin, just by using the ADS. I’ve also noticed that my erection longer, thicker and harder.

More skin could very well mean gains.

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