Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

dumb question?

dumb question?

First of all I want to say this is an awesome forum, I browsed it for a couple weeks before I registered and it has very good info. My question is this: I am only seeking girth as I am naturally 7.5 in length with girth being around 4.7 which combined with the length makes it look very long and thin (hence the name.) I am only doing power squeezes 6 times a week, 20 mins. a session. Do you guys think this is my best bet for strickly girth gains? Also after I finish I usually sit in a hot bath for about 30min. I figured this could only help as it could increase circulation, but I figured I’d check to make sure. Any input would be very much appreciated, thanx!

I’m a newbie, but like you, I’m going for mainly girth. My length is way less than yours (a little over 6"), and while I’d like to get to 7" (7.5" would be ideal), I’m more concerned with my girth. (Barely over 4").

I’ve only been at it for about 3-4 weeks (and I took a week off cuz I was on vacation and not about to PE while crashing at someone’s place). So anyways, for the first 2 weeks, I jelqed (and occasionally did some stretching). I didn’t see ANY girth gains (except immediately after PEing), tho I gained slightly in length. I just started doing uli’s today, and I’m having decent hopes that that’ll give me girth.

Uli claims he has gotten 2 1/2 inches of girth in 2 years using this method! (Two years is quite a while tho).

Here’s a link for you.
Uli’s Routine

I to am more worried about length. I am almost at 7.5” bonepressed and a little over 5” in girth. Measure your girth in three different spots, they can give different values even if they dont look like it. My thickest is still at base. Is your guys length measurements bone pressed? I still feel like I am small in both length and girth. I have put a little about 1/4” and nearing 1/2” on my length and no real changes on girth so i am a little worried. Let me know how your guys’ experiments go. As for your routine being ok, what is a power sqeeze anyway (opposed to normal sqeeze)? Let me know so i may try. But if you are just starting your routine then try it for a few weeks and if it doesnt work then change it. I personally havent gotten any girth so i cant really give you advice.

I have experimented with jelqing in the 1½ years I’ve been doing it.
When I started, I did a ten minute stretching with a flacid penis. No hot wraps.
I jelqed for 15 min. with a ½ to ¾ erection.
In three months I gained about 8 mm. in length and 3 mm. in girth.

Then I stopped for some months. When I began to jelq again, I didn’t do anymore stretching. Instead I warmed my penis for 3 to 4 minute with a warm compress and then jelqed - most of the time - with a full erection. I also did this for 3 months. I included hanging weights for about an hour prior to the jelqing.
My girth kept growing (about 2 mm.), but my lenght only grew 2 mm. in those three months. And the last two months of it, there was hardly any growth in lenght, only in girth did I gain.

Then I stopped again for some months. Now I’ve been jelqing once again with the flacid stretches and a hot warm compress. In a month I’ve gained 2 mm. in length and 1 mm. in girth.

So my conclusion is, that if you want to work on your length do flacid stretches followed by a warm compress before jelqing.
If you want to work on girth, jelq with full erection.

Sofar for my two cents.

Sorry, it will not happen again.

Uli's for girth...

Yes guys…i think too Uli’s the best for girth. And this is my experience: i’ve added uli#3 since few weeks and now i’m gonna reduce it (one day on one day off) cause i’m growing more in girth than length, and is not my goal……in every forum u read, the uli is considered a great exercise for girth. Let me tell u that i’ve noticed an increase in girth without measuring…


sigh, i hope it works. :)

I really need AT LEAST another .7 inches in girth.

It’s funny because I’ve finally become some what content with my length (5.5-5.75” nbp, around 6.25” bone pressed), but now I’m all worried about my girth since I’m decently below average there.

I’m only 4.1-4.2” in girth. :( And knowing that girth is that much more important makes me sad. :( Hehe.

I’ve started to do some uli’s but I’ve been kind of lax with my exercises recently. Hopefully though, I can hit at least 4.75” in girth. Then I’d be content though I’d want 5.5” optimally (though to be more realistic I’m going to say 5” optimally).

We’ll see what happens!

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