Thunder's Place

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Easier to keep erections lying down?

Easier to keep erections lying down?

The other day i tried doing my jelqs lying down on my bed, and I was able to keep my erection for 10s of jelqs (don’t remember exactly how much) where as when I stand up, my penis loses it firmness after almost 10 jelqs and goes to about 50% erection. Is this just how my body is, or is it the certain way the blood flow is going or something, any ideas? I haven’t tried jelqing sitting down, so I will try that and post what my erection % is.

If I’m going for mostly length gains, should I continue to stand up for the ~50% erection levels anyway? I’m not sure that it’s 50%, but I would describe as almost fully engorged, but my penis doesn’t offer resistance when I push down on it, but rather, it basically rests on my scrotum.

Bump- has anybody else experienced an easier time to keep erection lying down or sitting down, rather than standing up?

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