ED Issues
Hi All,
I’ve recently run into some erectile dysfunction issues, which I’ve never seen before.
I’m not sure if it’s due to my routine (which isn’t that complicated/ high stress) or something else. If anyone has had these following two ED issues before I’d be glad to hear.
The first problem is, it takes significantly longer to get erections. I used to be able to just watch porn for a second, and even before I had finished opening the tab, I had half an erection going, with a full one seconds later.
Now, it takes a long time to get an erection.
Even watching porn won’t get me a full erection (maybe 40% at best). I’m not certain I can even get to a point of ejaculation because my penis stays flaccid.
Secondly, I do “sometimes” feel close to ejaculation, but only “while still soft”. I’m not even hard, and yet I feel the muscles contracting. Twice now, I have ejaculated at 20-40% erection. This has been horrifying and troubles me the most - can I even get full erections any more?
These two things are troubling me. My routine has not been aggressive, and I’ve been following it for a while without problems.
I can’t sense an injury. I had swapped to straight out pulls, which were a little aggressive but I can’t say if this new exercise caused the above two problems to start.
Has anyone seen these two problems before? Particularly the second problem.
Many Thanks.