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ED through PE'ing

ED through PE'ing

I’m ending my first week of PE and have a problem. I’m having some ED issues, things I’ve never had before I started PE’ing. I can initially get it up no problem (several times after one another) but become flaccid again unless 1) I’m having sex or 2) I do some jelqing. Any other time I’ll be flaccid - hj/bj.anything.

I can change my diet easily enough, but I’d consider myself in athletic shape (and I’m 24).

Because it’s inconsistent, you know the root cause is not physical (unless it’s just after PE all the time or something).

That leaves an obvious cause. When you PE, you start to think about your dick as more than a joystick. This is mostly positive but it can lead to insecurity or tension in a sexual situation, especially one where your mind can wander like a blow job or hand job.

Try not to worry about it.

Thanks memento. I did exactly that yesterday, and had no problems at all. I’ll remember that.

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