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Ejaculation After PE results

Ejaculation After PE results

I have been doing PE on and off and when I went on I got very ill and now I’m starting again. Something, I would like to share and hopefully find out is the difference between ejaculating immediately after a Jelq session. For one reason or another I have had a bad habit of ejaculating immediately after my workout.

Warm wrap
Warm wrap

Is the pattern I seem to of fallen into. Because you penis is normally in an intense erect state the ejaculation from this is pretty good but I always feel pist off that I ejaculate. I have developed this bad habit due to edging and not being good enough at it lol. From ejaculating after my on and off PE’ing I have made NO gains. I will hopefully show better results when I begin my new process of not ejaculating after a workout/masturbate on a PE day. I will save it for my off day or at least make sure I have a 5 hour gap between jelqing and ejaculation.

This is a frequent subject but I want to record the process to help future people. I’ll resurrect this thread again when I have found a conclusion. I’ll probably not show my results till March/April sometime.


Why do you believe that masturbation after a workout makes any difference? Could the lack of making gains be due to incorrect techniques or sessions being too short? Why is five hours the proper time to wait? Why do you believe this is a “bad habit?”

I don’t have any biological theory to explain it. The 5 hour rule is second hand information that I read I think at the cherry. I feel that my techniques are fine seeing as I have watched the videos time and time again and I have read through the techniques and hope I am doing them correctly. I see other users mention that they do not immediately ejaculate & most seem to have success so I thought I should give it a try.

Why with the whys? I’m sure you have seen dozens of these threads asking the ejaculation question. Am I wrong in your opinion to think that ejaculating has anything to do with gains?

My opinion is that it doesn’t matter. I’ve stated why, in terms of the physiology, in other threads. In your case the lack of gains could be due to something other than ejaculation because you don’t have any real proof that masturbation has anything to do with it. If you can overcome your habit and try PE without ejaculating, you’ll be in a better position to decide what’s preventing you from growing.

My manual says ejaculating makes the penis muscles tighten up and shorten

That’s true. Why would that reverse any gains made during your exercises?

Hey man.just work harder at your regimen.Time and physiology should help you see gains

I have the same problem too. I’ve been PE’ing for 2 months now with no gains whatsoever using the newbie routine but doubled times. I’m at the horniest point in my life right now with my hot gf just breaking up with me. I masturbate about twice a day. Once in the morning and once after PE. I notice when I masturbate after PE, my penis feels like it shortens a lot and most of the blood has vanished from it. It feels as though the whole workout has been a waste. Hard to explain the feeling. When I don’t masturbate after PE, my penis feels very tired and worked. I can’t still feel the blood moving around in it and the exercise I just completed doesn’t feel like a “waste”.

I too get mad at myself if I masturbate after PE. One week I did an experiment and didn’t masturbate for the whole week. My PE sessions felt the greatest ever but after the week was up, I was so horny and couldn’t hold it in.

This is what I experienced but it probably differs for some.

Right now I’m going to hold myself from masturbating during my PE days and only on my off days. Lets see what happens. With me, if I don’t masturbate then I can’t stretch because I get hard right away. So it’s a lose lose situation.

When I was doing the manual stuff I had to “finish” myself off every now and then and it didn’t make any difference. This PE stuff takes more time than you think to see a change but it will come, believe me.

I have similar experience with shadow_cruiser. Almost 2 months and no gains (in fact sometimes I measure a bit shorter). I was on the newbie routine, though I must tell you my sessions we’re a bit shorter because sometimes my penis would feel a bit of pain.

Overall, I think I haven’t made progress due to masturbation, since my feelings are the same: penis shortens, feels really limp.

Hopeful123 - You and I both, it really sucks. Same here, there are times I measure a bit shorter too and also my penis looks shorter. I do 30 min wet jelqs and 20 min manual stretches now. 10 min jelqs we’re not nearly enough because my penis didn’t feel worked. I’ve been doing this routine for a month now with 2 days on and 1 day off and used the newbie routine for the first month gradually moving up. My routine is probably a lot different than some. First hot wrap for 5 minutes and I usually jelq at 80-90% erection for the first 15 minutes then go down to 40-50% erection for the last 15. I then head in the shower and when I’m done, manual stretch for 20 min., 1 min stretch in each direction.

Yesterday after my PE session I didn’t masturbate. Today after my PE session I had the urge to masturbate and I just said what the hell and went ahead. Starting next week for sure, no more masturbation but only on the off days. At least I’ll try, haha. It sucks being young and trying to PE, the hormones just kill you.

If you’re doing it right, the head of the penis should be noticeably bigger (both during erect, semi erect, and flaccid state). After at least 30 reps, if you don’t see the different in the glans size, then you’re not doing it right.

Correct me sorry. I did gain!. Wooo, so happy. Even though I’m very small it’s good to know PE is helping. I measured myself January 10 with no results but changed my routine on that day. Check my signature for current stats!. Once I reach 6” EL I told myself I would donate a large sum to thunders site due to the vast amount of information I learned here.

Start of PE Mar. 01,2005 5.5" BPEL 5.0" EL 4.5" EG Current as of June. 01,2005 6.25" BPEL 5.75" EL 4.75" EG

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