EQ Tips For Someone With Prostate Issues?
This isn’t my first time here. I was a member here about a decade ago, when I started hanging and pumping. I had great results when doing both on a daily basis. Unfortunately some things have changed since then, so here is a little background info.
I’m in my mid 30s. About 20 years ago, I took a nasty fall that resulted in a sharp blow to the prostate. I had a lot of problems with this for 3-6 months and then it got much better. Recently however, it has started getting worse. For the last 3 years or so I’ve started having issues with urine flow and erection quality. Nothing major, but noticeable. In the last few months, there has been a sharp decline. I no longer get random erections, or wake up with one. I can still get an erection for sex and maintain, as long as its not more often than a couple of times a week. I was recently scoped to make sure I had no scar tissue from the injury and there was none. I’m waiting on a follow up exam to see where we go from here. One thing I’ve noticed is that even with an erection, a kegel seems to have almost no effect. No movement, no rush of blood flow. Just a weak contraction.
The real issue here is that I’ve recently started seeing someone new. She is by far the most attractive woman I’ve ever met and I still get very nervous around her, even though I’ve known her for years. Even with Viagra, I sometimes fail to get a full erection and stick to foreplay, although this is likely from being so nervous with her. I’m trying everything I can do to be ready for a potential relationship.
This brings me to now. Assuming I may have an issue like chronic prostatitis or an enlarged prostate, where can I begin to improve my erection quality? I’ve started doing kegels on my 10 minute drive to/from work about a week ago. I have no problems doing them for a full 10 minutes, one every few seconds, but I haven’t seen any results. I’ve also purchased another pump, hoping that I can use it to help increase blood flow.
Is there something else I can be doing, or should be looking into in order to help improve my erection quality?