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Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction

I turned 19 no more than a month ago and am already having difficulty becoming erect, it seems to have been quite some time since I’ve had an actual “full”/throbbing erection. I’ve had this problem during masturbation, and even in cases where I’ve been w/a girl. Twice so far in recent history, I’ve been unable to have sex w/a girl b/c I couldn’t get hard enough. There have been days where I’ve slapped the thing around for 15-20 minutes and haven’t seemed to become more than 30-40 percent erect.what can I do? What might be the problem? Does anyone else have this problem? How abnormal is this?

See an urologist.

I used to have a problem getting an erection and keeping an erection. ED could be caused by your mentality. If you’re insecure with your size, then it’s likely that you’re going to have a problem getting hard. Though this problem may only be with a girl. Since you have this problem even through masturbation, it’s more likely because of a real physical problem.

Mule’s right, get it checked.

How long has a long time been? I went two weeks only ever getting one erection last month no matter how much I tried to get one and then, just as soon as the problem rolled around, it went away and I’m back to full multiple erections a day. Guys aren’t sex machines 100% of the time. Just as in everything, there are ups and downs. If, however, a “long time” has been a month or two, see a doctor. If not, see a doctor anyways. It’s better to catch a problem early. I’ll willing to bet, however, that it’s just a temporary problem, since you seem too young to be getting full ED.

Full ED usually means a real physical problem somewhere else..High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Diabetes and Heart Disease all have ED as a symptom….

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

It could be physical or mental. It could be prescription drugs, too much alcohol, lack of sleep, too much stress, the list goes on and on.

What kind of life style do you lead?

Do you get a full erection at night that you know of, or do you have one when you wake up? If you do, it is probably not a physical problem, maybe anxiety or an emotional issue. Read up on ed, you may just get over it, if not it would be worth seeing a physician.

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