Erection angle and LOT
I’m posting this in the newbie forum because it’s a little simple, but anyway:
If my erection quality is good, for any particular time I have one, then the angle is quite high. Now we know that LOT is not dependant on erection angle, so banish that thought.
However, if the quality of this erection is about 80% or less, then, after palpating the inner penis, I get the impression that it is pointing quite ‘upwards’ at a high angle, and due to lack of blood flow, it is like the penis reaches this high point, and at exit point, then points down (due to low bloodflow).
Anyway I’m wondering whether this internal high angle could be indicative of a high LOT. I’ve always been in two minds about LOT. The head tugback begins to drop off at 9 and I’m sure some would call that their LOT, but I would say mine is at 8, maybe even 7. My understanding may be somewhat lacking.
Anyway please study the diagram and if anything’s unclear ask away, and hopefully someone anatomically-minded will step in and end my confusion.
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