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Erection angle and LOT

Erection angle and LOT

I’m posting this in the newbie forum because it’s a little simple, but anyway:

If my erection quality is good, for any particular time I have one, then the angle is quite high. Now we know that LOT is not dependant on erection angle, so banish that thought.

However, if the quality of this erection is about 80% or less, then, after palpating the inner penis, I get the impression that it is pointing quite ‘upwards’ at a high angle, and due to lack of blood flow, it is like the penis reaches this high point, and at exit point, then points down (due to low bloodflow).

Anyway I’m wondering whether this internal high angle could be indicative of a high LOT. I’ve always been in two minds about LOT. The head tugback begins to drop off at 9 and I’m sure some would call that their LOT, but I would say mine is at 8, maybe even 7. My understanding may be somewhat lacking.

Anyway please study the diagram and if anything’s unclear ask away, and hopefully someone anatomically-minded will step in and end my confusion.

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>Anyway I’m wondering whether this internal high angle could be indicative of a high LOT. I’ve always been in two minds about LOT. The head tugback begins to drop off at 9 and I’m sure some would call that their LOT, but I would say mine is at 8, maybe even 7. My understanding may be somewhat lacking<

Yes. Your shaft curving upward, I assume above the bottom of your pubic bone, is being suspended from your ligs. If you can stretch out your ligs, lessening the curve, more internal penis will be expressed.

Good diagram.


Originally Posted by Bib

Good diagram.


Couldn’t have hoped for a better person to respond, I was tempted to post and say this would have been better as a PM to Bib as you have paid attention to your exit point etc.

Do you really think it is a good diagram?! I knocked it up in just a few seconds so I’m going to assume wry sarcasm until I hear different :)

Thanks for the response, it does seem like it makes a lot of sense, I feel, for the first time, that I’m looking at my own physical make up, seeing how the physiology of it works and what I can do, as opposed to just blindly pulling down and hoping for the best.

I still can’t shake the nagging thought that my erection angle would lower were I to expose more. Regardless however, I’m looking forward to getting it out of hiding, and reduce my 0.75-1” fat pad to about 0.25-0.5”!

I’ve been thinking about this too recently and developed a theory:
If one brings out the inner penis through stretching it (I’ve found it to be best targetted by upward angles, the point here is that by stretching i do not mean lig stretching), the resulting increase in length will be found between the exit point of the penis from the pelvic bone (or is it the pubic bone?) and the contact point of the ligs with the penis. If the ligs are not stretched to match this increase in length the result should be a higher erection angle. (see diagram)

(Note: Just a theory, empirical evidence to support it so far mostly unsubstantial, sorry if someone already thought of this and posted it etc.)

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Hmm, that’s an interesting theory Road. I might try doing what you say about pulling upwards on the penis instead of downwards because the one thing I’m scared of from PE is a lower erection angle, even though I would love the possibility of fast gains of pulling my inner penis out by stretching the ligs.

At the moment my penis stands to attention at between 11 and 12 o’clock when fully aroused and with a kegel squeeze, and this makes it easier for “hands free” penetration in sex when laying on top from my point of view.

I’ll try what you said and tell you how it goes. I’ve only just started though, so it might be a while before I see any gains.

Hope we both get to our 8” goals soon!

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

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