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Erection problems

Erection problems

Hello guyes, I am 28 years old and I am on PE for nearly a year. During that time I noticed, that it’s harder for me to get erected (it takes me more time) and when I have the erection, I loose it when not stimulating. In another words, I need more than a minute to be erected, but just several seconds to loose the erection..

Has someone noticed similar problems? Is there a way to fix it??

Thanks for any reply

Lay off the PE for a while. Your dick probably needs a rest.

What’s your ejaculation regimen?

Pull it back to 1 per week if it’s frequent , your erections will improve.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

I think It definately de-sensitizes your penis, or at least It does in your head?

I think this Is Because when you first start, because you are touching yourself It is erotic but after a while, It becomes like an exercise and that’s how you think of It and thats when you start becoming de-sensitised to It.

I also have similar problems since doing PE I remember when I used to get hard just jelqing doing the newbie routine, but now I’m lucky if I get a semi-erection.

It has also affected me when I’m with a woman which is even more worrying.

It happened to me once until I change my split my heavy routine (morning/evening) and 5on2off. I believe the split routine gives more time for healing, and so the 2 off days works wonder for the healing process. FYI, I spend about 2.5 hours for the complete daily routine.

beginner17217 I don’t think you’re alone with what you’re saying. And I know others may disagree but I’m sure, after a longish period of time, there’s a degree of desensitising going on…at least that’s what I find. I’m sure a break will help this but the addiction of PE lures one back time and time again!

Over training That is the single source of your problem. Happens to people that vigorously strain their penis and it doesn’t have enough time to heal. If you stop PE for at least 2-3 days you will notice much better erection quality / stamina.

Start 12/1/06 _ _ _ _ 3 month 3/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 month 4/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 month 5/2/06

6.6 X 4.75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.25 x 4.90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.5 x 4.90 BaseGirth: 5.25 _ _ _ _ 7.75 x 4.90 10 month 9/24/06: Still 7.75 X 4.90 ---- I have focused primarily on girth and have not gained a CM in months.

Journal Pictures

All this may be due to PEing but it may also be something else. A health check and a blood check never hurts. In most cases though the simplest solution is the most probable, if you have been stretching your knob a lot it probably does need a rest, also cut back on masturbating so often, try and go two weeks for a laugh!

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