I think I learned just about everything I needed to know from the home page and videos here: START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info
As for results, I’ve been at manuals since last summer, and the stretches work wonders and are not as difficult as people make them out to be. It’s just a matter of finding the right pull-strength and the right hold-time, and pull it in every way you can imagine until you find a couple of exercises that seem to work. Look for the “snap back.” You should feel a snapback in the tendon when you release, if you do it right. Then remember that pull and that strength and try holding it longer next time.
Girth seems to be a very different story, but when you boil it down, there really is only one girth exercise — inflate to +100% expansion. Squeeze. Jelq. Clamp. (Pump, which is not manual). Whatever. All of them are variations of the same exercise — expand the penis to a fuller capacity and hold it there for some period of time. High erection jelqing works great, but I can’t hold the erection required for expansion work. So I use squeezes with some light clamping, sort of like using a cock ring (not a tourniquet), in order to maintain fullness during the workout.
Girth is just squeeze and hold, with various squeeze/hold techniques up and down the shaft. Stretch is just stretch, with various positions, times and intensities. They are all the same exercise with slight variations. Research them, try them, see how they work for a few days.
In all of the statistics I’ve pored over, I figure a 1/16” to 1/8” length gain per month is reasonable and safe, as is a 1/32” to 1/16” girth gain per month, at least until your body really hits its limits. Some months may snap higher, some may be flat, but thereabouts are some good numbers to shoot for. Seems most gains come in the first 12 months. After that, slower going or you need a long break to recover (think surgical recovery times).
I’ve seen guys say one thing works for a while, then doesn’t, but now some other thing works that didn’t work before. It’s a lot like working out in the gym. If you aren’t seeing results, switch up the routine. If you are seeing results, keep at it until results plateau.
- Saul