I was hoping I could get an extender question answered in this forum: I purchased an extender about 10 days ago and have been wearing it from 3-4 hours per day. I have been doing PE on and off for two years or so and wearing it for this amount of time at the beginning hasn’t been an issue for me. No pain, no negative EQ. As the extender did not come with any directions, I have experimented and have come up with a protocol that seems to work for me. I want to know if I am maximizing my time in the extender or if there is a better way.
I added enough rods so the extender is slightly longer than my full stretched flaccid penis. I then depress the rods into the springs, insert my head into the noose, tighten down, and release the rods creating tension. I then add more tension, incrementally, by lengthening the rods with the two screws. At first, even with the roods fully depressed, it is a bit tricky to get my head into the noose. Within a few minutes, however, I am able to turn the screws enough to reveal at least 1/2 inch of thread. I then can add even more tension as my penis becomes more malleable and stretchable.
I would really appreciate any well informed extender experts out there to give me there much appreciated opinion on my technique. From what I’ve read, most people seem to not depress the rods at all when strapping on and only do so after they are strapped in. I depress when strapping in as I get great spring tension right off the bat and increase that tension with the tension screws for even more. It seems I am doing it correctly as I am not experiencing any pain or discomfort. I stay right below that level. Please post your opinions.
Thank you kindly!
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start,
Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
Length for looks. Girth for gasps!