Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fast flaccid gains

Fast flaccid gains

Sup guys, I’m pretty new here, first time posting, I’ve been doing something similar to the newbie routine for 5 days now. (Actually it’s a little less intense than the newbie routine because I have attempted it in the past and injured myself. My penis has quite a bit of veins)

Anyway, my flaccid penis seems to be bigger than normal. Does this mean I have fast EGs to look forward to, or are flaccid and erect gains unrelated?

I’m starting at ‘6.1 BPEL, I couldn’t measure my girth yet because I have to go to the store and buy a tape measurer.

I haven’t seen much correlation between flaccid gains and erect gains. I’m still a grower with a relatively small flaccid compared to my 8” erection (OK, my nearly 8” erection :) ). It probably depends a lot on the individual and his body’s ability to change.

Exactlt what westla said. For me, I think I had more erect gains than flaccid gains. What I have noticed about a good deal of the members, you can know when you have erect gains by noticing an increase in your flaccid stretched length.

There is no relation between flaccid gain and erect gain, or is there?
Stretching is for flaccid gains and Jelqing is for erect gains.

Flaccid hang seems to fluctuate quite a bit, I think more than erect gains.
My flaccid goes from 5”-6.”

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
There is no relation between flaccid gain and erect gain, or is there?
Stretching is for flaccid gains and Jelqing is for erect gains.

Flaccid hang seems to fluctuate quite a bit, I think more than erect gains.
My flaccid goes from 5”-6.”


Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Is anyone here a shower? Those dudes are impressive

I wish my flaccid wasn’t so damn small. Today when I took my pants off before I got in the shower my wiener looked like a little button. I mean the shaft was all shriveled up like a compressed slinky. All you could see was a little acorn sticking out of a hairy bush. What the fuck. That is depressing. I have a 6.25” BPEL and sometimes when I’m flaccid I’m a little nub. I’m the typical “grower”. I can go form a 1” nub to a 6.25” rock hard rod in 5 seconds if I’m looking at a juicy vagina. Flaccid gains for me right now are key. I hate when all I have is an acorn. Sometimes that acorn even goes inside to hibernate if it’s cold enough. I feel like a little boy trying to pull it out of my fat pad.

Started PE April 25, 2007 -- FL 3.5", SFL 6.5", FG 4", NBPEL 5", BPEL 6.25", EG 5"

June 25, 2007 -- FL 4", SFL 7", FG 4.5", NBPEL 5.5", BPEL 6.938, EG 5"

Ultimate Goals -- FL 5.5" BPEL 8" EG 6.25"

Is a 4.5” flaccid penis a ok size.

What is the normal flaccid length?


Sep.12, 2007

BPEL 7.75" and EG 5.125"

Originally Posted by colt.45
Is a 4.5” flaccid penis a ok size.

What is the normal flaccid length?

I’ve seen the figure 3.3” for average flaccid length a few times, but I can’t remember where. 4.5” is quite a bit longer.

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