Fast routine but consistent. Trying to build the habit.
Whats up guys, I’m gonna share my routine here, I know this forum since a lot and I’ve been on and off a lot of times but I ended up not doing the exercises because of lack of consistency and because I set up the bar to high and I ended up doing a very long time routines.
This times is different, I set small goals in order to get the habit.
After a hot shower I have a 5 min routine, 5 stretches, 20 secs each, downward, left, right, upward and outward after each stretch I do twenty rotary cranks , I do them fast because I get used to it.
The thing is that I am in my 15 day streak, of course with some rest days and others because I have no time. The day I reach the day 30 I will add another round, and It will last to 10 minutes, and another 30 days another 5 minutes (3 rounds, each round 5 min).
I prefer this, so I am slowly building the habit and I’m seeing some positive signs.
1- more veins
2- increase libido
3- stronger erection
2- Girlfriend came from vacations after two weeks and she said “did the penis get bigger?”, of course I didn’t tell her anything haha.
I will keep doing the stretches even though is a very fast routine, I know that it’s a matter of time. The most remarkable thing about this is that I am being very consistent.
I hope you guys have a nice day and keep up with the gains.