Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finally hit 8 inch length.


Finally hit 8 inch length.

I am a huge lurker. Don’t even know when I registered. But Have been reading this site for years. And wanted to say thanks for all of the great advice.

But I have a problem. I don’t think I am long enough. I am 8x6.5 Girth came very easy. Length has been hard as I have the cord. I have been doing PE for 6 years.

The main problem is that I see so many guys here that say they are 8+ and on other forums I see pictures and porn that has all but ruined my perception of true size. Another thing is that when talking to some women out there they all seem to think their boyfriends are 7+ at least and most are 8,9 or even 10. Which I know from reading the studies just isn’t true. But some say perception IS reality.

But I started doing PE so that I would be the biggest that any girl I am with has ever had. And at my size I have had some nice compliments. But I want that gasp, and I want there to be rumors about my cock size. I think I want to be 9x7 at least.

First, do you think that is an obtainable goal?

What are some ways to help get past the cord as a limiting factor? I use a heat pad. Would IR light be that much more effective? I only manual stretch. Should I consider hanging? My penis doesn’t suffer much from discoloration. And I would really like to avoid that. I also rarely clamp. At most I will use a hair tie to plump for a few minutes.

My current penis was literally hand built with jelqs and manual stretching. I am wondering if I should even try the next step. As length gains have slowed. I would be more than happy if my girth stayed the same and I gained an inch in length.

Whether they gasp at your size doesn’t mean they enjoy it. It’s admirable you’re motivated to obtain such a goal (9x7) however you should keep in mind their pleasure also. Personally I’d say you’re already long and thick enough for any woman.

Congrats on your gains so far.

FUTURE - - nbp 7.5" x 5.75 =Success

Where did you start out? 8x6.5 is very big by any objective standard. No, it’s not the biggest but I doubt you’ll be able to get to literally the biggest. You’d have to pick up several inches in length and another inch of girth, which would be hard to impossible even if you were starting out at 8x6.5

Start (Oct 2010) NBPEL: 5, BPEL: 5.875 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.25 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

(November 2013) NBPEL: 5.875, BPEL: 6.625 inches, BASE GIRTH: 5.625 inches, MID GIRTH: 5

Goal NBPEL(7-7.5)xMEG(5.5-6) (journal)

Noman, congrats on the gains! 8 x 6.5 is definitely BIG for any woman, unless you go after size queens who have an equally distorted view of how big the average cock is.

I know what you mean about the cord though. I have it too, and although I’m rather new I’m hoping to eventually get past it.

Starting Stats (APR '11): BPEL - 7.0" Base EG - 6.1" NBPFL - 4.75"

Current Stats (DEC '18): BPEL - 8.0" Base EG - 6.4" NBPFL - 5.75"

Hey, you have an amazing cock. Sure, go for more if you want to but I dont see the need. Perhaps I do when/if I get to your stats someday.
Just measured 7*5.5 clamped. 7*5.25 unclamped so…

havent PE:d in a while…Its smaller than 2 years ago now..=/

Will definitely stretch more now :)

BPEL Starting PE Jan 2009@7.1*5.3 (18*13.5 cm)

Current: 20th March 2009: 7.4*5.6 (18.7* 14.4 cm)

Realistic goal 2010-11: 8*6 (20*15.2 cm) --- Dream goal: 8.5"*6.3" (21.5*16 cm)

Congratulations, Norman. I don’t know where you started, but 6 years is a lot of dedication, so I really hope you take the time to appreciate and enjoy your gains. I’m starting out with similar stats and we are looking to obtain the same size. Like yourself I am chasing that gasp when I whip out the dick. I have gotten it a couple times with 7.5x6.75 but I want a louder gasp :chuckle: .

Congrats on the gains. I agree that women generally have no idea how big a penis really is. My wife told me she thinks I have an 8 inch penis. Granted, she could have been saying that to stroke my ego, but she’s not one to do that.

9x7 would be a monster, and the gasps you’d be getting would like be of pain, not pleasure.

Start/April 2011: BPEL - 6.75" / NBPEL - 6.00" / BEG - 5.125 / Mid Shaft - 4.75 / Glans 4.5"

Current/August 8 2011: BPEL 7.25" / NBPEL - 6.375" / BEG - 5.625" / Mid Shaft - 5.00" / Glans - 4.875"

Goals: NBPEL - 8.25" / Mid Shaft EG - 6.00"

8 x 6.5 is already a monster. You might consider reading the threads about our distorted views of size. Your size is in the top 1% of all men in length and girth, so you are going to be the biggest almost any woman has ever seen.

I'm a disciple of science.

As has been said before.. Women have NO idea. Except for the rare few that might actually insist on measuring.. (And even then they do it wrong, along the side etc)

I’ve been married for 15 years, I’m BPEL 7inches (or just a hair over) one of my wife friends was telling her how dissapointed she was in her husbands erect size. My wife told her “my husband is HUGE, I’ve never measured, but he’s at least 10 inches”

I didn’t correct her, but that just goes to show you they REALLY have no idea about size.

I can’t wait to see how big she thinks I am when I hit 8.5 BPEL.


Originally Posted by Dstern22

I’ve been married for 15 years, I’m BPEL 7inches (or just a hair over) one of my wife friends was telling her how dissapointed she was in her husbands erect size. My wife told her “my husband is HUGE, I’ve never measured, but he’s at least 10 inches”

Haha nice, no prizes for guessing who was that womans fantasy that night!

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

What was your starting size noman?

i have seen a porn clip where the huge guy ramon from bangbros was measured. his dick is about 8-8.5 nbp x 6.5. he is one of the biggest porn star and his dick looks crazy huge. you are very big.

As a six inch guy I only have two things to say. First thing is I hate you. The second thing is I am only joking, congratulations whether you believe it or not you own a monster unit.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

Originally Posted by nowhereman
As a six inch guy I only have two things to say. First thing is I hate you. The second thing is I am only joking, congratulations whether you believe it or not you own a monster unit.


Congratulations. Have you considered an extender? They’re a pain in the ass, but they seem to work for me.

Congratulations on reaching the upper end of hugeness!

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