Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First month completed, here are my results

First month completed, here are my results

I tried PE for a week or so last year. I didn’t really dedicate myself to it for various reasons, but for the past month I have. I am doing the newbie routine posted here at Thunder’s. I increased stretching to 10mins and wet jelqs to 15mins for the last two weeks of the month. The only thing I have slacked on are the Kegel exercises, I would say I’ve only done them every other exercise day. This is mainly because I just forget to do them, but I am going to put a stop to that from now on.

Here are my measurements when I started.

BPEL: 6 1/8”
FL: 3 5/8”
BPFS: 6 3/4”
NBPEL: 5 3/4”
PEC: 5”
PFC: 4 1/8”

After one month.

BPEL: 6 15/16” [+ 13/16”]
FL: 3 5/8” [0]
BPFS: 7 1/4” [+ 1/2”]
NBPEL: 6 3/16” [+ 7/16”]
PEC: 5” [0]
PFC: 4 1/8” [0]

I’m not sure why my flaccid size hasn’t changed at all (other than the flaccid stretch). I assume my girth has remained the same because I’m not doing something more geared towards girth like dry jelqs. Just looking at my penis, it doesn’t seem to be almost a 1/2” larger in length.but then again my erections aren’t always at 100% like they are when I measure.

I will continue the newbie routine for the next 14 days until I take more measurements to see if I am making any progress.

One question for those more experienced than me; Should I increase my jelqs or switch to dry jelqs to see more girth improvement? Any other comments or suggestions are more than welcomed.

First of all, you should be doing the Newbie routine for at least three months without adding new things. Wet or dry jelqs still count as jelqs though.

Try adding Fowfers for the flaccid gains. Also, you might want to try an Ace bandage wrap (Success! Birthday goal achieved.).

Welcome, good luck and be safe!

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Originally Posted by pent

The only thing I have slacked on are the Kegel exercises, I would say I’ve only done them every other exercise day.

Many would say, that if you want to grow a muscle, 3 times a week is all you need. If you are in training, you don’t work your biceps every day. For this reason, I never do kegels more than 3 times a week. My EQ actually goes down if I do :)

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