First post here : Time to start a journey.
Hey there folks!
Just thought I’d say howdies and tell you a bit about me etc etc.
Well my names is Mabs, I’m 20 and feel now is the time to change something that I’m not too happy about.
I’ve always had ‘issues’ with my penis, in particular it’s flacid size. Although I’m young I also have ED which is both down to pyschological and medical reasons.
My last relationship ended in September and my partner was my ‘first’ as was I hers.
After this I became really insecure about myself but thankyfully my new partner was understanding.
I have been with her 5 months now and my confidence has certainly grown.
In regards to penis size I know she is more than happy with it as we have to be somewhat carefull at times..
As with most people a bit of extra length would be good and especially girth. So heres hoping that over time I can stick to a routine and see if there are any gains.
I attempted to measure myself the other night but due to ED problems I wasn’t fully hard.
My rough measurments are:
BPEL: >5.5”
NBEL: 5.5”
EG: Shall check tonight.
FL: 2-3 “
FG: Shall check tonight.
On stretching it when flacid I got it to just over 6” so there is hope!
Heres hoping I get some girth as I’m a skinny een!!
Hope you’re all fine this evening and I may get some images up later on.
Cheers for noo