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Flaccid length whilst hanging

Flaccid length whilst hanging

Hey guys. My normal flaccid length is around 4.5”. My erect length NBP is 6”. My flaccid length after an hour of hanging is 6.5”

My question is, quite simply: Is this an indicator of potential erect gains? (Given time)

2010 Start: NBPEL: 5.75. Current: BPEL 6.5 (May 2011)

Short Term Goal: BPEL 7.0 Long Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL

Going for length first!

I think it’s pretty safe to say there is a correlation between flaccid gains and erect gains, however, it has been my experience that it’s not a one for one correlation. Also - again, in my experience - you’re more likely to see significant flaccid gains before you start seeing significant erect gains.

Start/April 2011: BPEL - 6.75" / NBPEL - 6.00" / BEG - 5.125 / Mid Shaft - 4.75 / Glans 4.5"

Current/August 8 2011: BPEL 7.25" / NBPEL - 6.375" / BEG - 5.625" / Mid Shaft - 5.00" / Glans - 4.875"

Goals: NBPEL - 8.25" / Mid Shaft EG - 6.00"

Johnrl how long is your normal flaccid length now?

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