Thunder's Place

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Erect girth gains = flaccid length gains?

Erect girth gains = flaccid length gains?

So in my P.E. career I have always wanted to turn myself into a shower rather than a grower. I am thinking about beginning clamping in order to see if erect girth gains can turn into flaccid length gains. Currently I am 8.5 inches long bp, and 5.5 inches girth, 5 inches long flaccid and 4.5ish flaccid girth. I just wanted to know if anyone has gained solely erect girth and dramatically increased their flaccid length. Also I would like to know your routine. Thanks, LJS.

August 4 2007 NBPEL:6.5 EG:5.25 FL:4.25 BP:7

Now NBPEL:8 EG:5.5 FL:5 BP:8.5

No one has any in-put?

August 4 2007 NBPEL:6.5 EG:5.25 FL:4.25 BP:7

Now NBPEL:8 EG:5.5 FL:5 BP:8.5

Did you just begin a PE routine recently? If so just keep with the stretching and pretty soon your flaccid length should* grow quite a bit. Just give it time and stay with it. That’s what mine did anyway (think: outstretched rubber band).

*assuming normal conditions (i.e. no turtling or cold weather, etc.)

Oh, one more thing. When you are flaccid, does your dick point straight down towards the floor? Or if you look at it from the side, does it slightly point diagonally down/forward? That can hurt your flaccid size preception, and can be remedied by stretching the underside skin/scrotal area.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Originally Posted by Wt282
Can be remedied by stretching the underside skin/scrotal area.

How? Where can I find more info on this?

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