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Girth work aiding length gains

Girth work aiding length gains

Lately I’ve been concentrating on girth more than length. My routine has consisted of Uli’s using a Bib style Uli thing and a cable clamp. Afterwards I stretch everything out in the penimaster for close to an hour or more.

After thorough moderate to extreme girth work I noticed that I had to extend the rods on my penimaster to their max stretch as a starting point. This had never happened before. I first noticed this about a week ago and wondered if everything would return to normal the next day.

Well, I took about a 3 day break (not necessary by choice) and tonight when I installed the penimaster my pecker was STILL stretched to the max extension of the PM. In other words, the combination of thorough moderate to extreme girth work combined with the PM has affected my flaccid length tremendously and the gain remains.

I am curious as to where this may lead and will continue the routine for a long period of time and report back with results in erect measurements/gains.


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

There’s no question that engorging the penis to it’s max causes it to extend outward in all directions. Not to mention that it causes a great increase of bloodflow to the area, resulting in an increased flaccid size, that is of course, while the exercises are being practiced regularly. I did my poll a while back on girth vs flaccid length, and the results didn’t show any promising trends in the way of my theory that greater girth would result in a longer flaccid hang.

As for erect gains, the general belief is that a thinner penis will be more easily stretched, which is why many guys choose to go for length first, then girth.

Of course there certainly is the potential that you can gain some length from heavy girth work, most people gain length better from hanging or manual stretches. Low erection level jelqing seems like a happy medium, I personally gained both girth and length from a routine centered around this. Although, as stated above, the common thing to do is focus on length first and then girth.


I second this Insane Man’s conclusions. Low erection level jelqing, “a happy medium,” along with manual stretches, was the basis of my routine as well. I made gains in both length and girth.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


I wasn’t questioning past methods, techniques, routines, etc. I, too, put on 1.25 inches doing many of the things you mentioned. Rather, I was just taken by the fact that after thorough girth work my dick has stretched further and the stretch remained even after three days rest. I tried it again today and it’s still there. Never had that result, but it was the result of a small period of dedicated girth work. Seeing that none of the other exercises have had this result, I was just venturing on hypothesizing. Maybe it was just one of those post that was meant to tell what happened when I did such and such.

I’m still going to continue with this since I am working on girth the majority of the time. I’m just curious to see if things continue to change for the better.


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Since the tunica has two layers, one where the fibers run the length of the penis and one where they run “across” the penis, this isn’t very odd. As Insane_Man noted, the expansion of the tunica happens in all directions.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Originally Posted by marty5379
Seeing that none of the other exercises have had this result, I was just venturing on hypothesizing. Maybe it was just one of those post that was meant to tell what happened when I did such and such.

I think I understood the point of your post :)

In my rant I was just trying to say, basically, that length work is better for length and girth work is better for girth (guess I should have just said that). If your goal is girth, then by all means continue concentrating on girth. Any length gained as a side effect is just a bonus.

Thinking back, I had a larger flaccid stretch when I was regularly practicing girth work than now when I mainly stretch. My erect size is longer than then though. This is interesting stuff marty. For a while I have held the opinion that stretching and jelqing may be counterproductive to one another. However, the “inside out” pressure that is caused by jelqing and/or girth work seems to soften up the tissues of the penis nicely, which of course makes the penis more susceptible to stretches. Of course we still have to bear in mind that a thicker penis will be harder to stretch. The question is: does the “softening” effect overwhelm this?

I noticed the exact same thing when I first started my Extreme Uli routine. My flaccid stretched length shot up a quick quarter inch and has been slowly increasing ever since. It hasn’t increased to anything noticable lately, but I haven’t lost any of it either. I think the Ulies soften up the shaft and give you more “meat” to stretch out.

Hmmm… It could be that the “girth” layer of the tunica gets “softened” from the expansion after girth work which would allow the “length” layer to be stretched more easily. Either way I think it’s a good idea to stretch a little after girht work, just to cover the bases so to speak. It can’t hurt.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

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