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work on length or girth?


work on length or girth?

I started PE about 2 months. I do about 20-30 min of stretching and then later in the day about 20 min of jelquing followed by a few uli’s and horses. My dick looks identical to when I started, but the ruler thinks otherwise. I started at about 5 7/8’ NPB and now on a good day I can get to 6 1/4” NBP. I will be comfortable when I get to 7, but I have a longterm goal of 8. My girth, however, sucks. I’m barely making 4.5” Since gaining some girth is more important to me, should I stop with the stretching, and just concentrate on girth? I’ve heard that concentrating only on length or only on girth will accelerate gains in that area. Is this true? Could stretching be hurting my girth? Does pumping have a good reputation, and should I consider trying that? Any replies are appreciated.

Further girth gains will limit, or at the very least slow down, your potential TUNICA length gains. So what you should do depends really on your LOT, and the time you are willing to put in. If you have a high LOT, then you can do LIG stretches and girth exercises. However, once you have used up, as it were, your LIG potential you will have to work on tunica stretches, which will be slowed by a bigger girth.

Depends really on how much work you want to put in. I have a very low LOT and so am doing SO fulcrum hanging and girth exercises, despite the fact that any girth increases will mean that I have to do more SO work in the future for the same amount of gain.


If I were you, I would concentrate on girth until you reach 5”, a cemented 5”. This will not hurt your length gains too much. I am not saying to stop stetching, maybe do it twice a week, and work on your girth 5-6 days a week. I started at 4 3/8 girth, and now I am at 5 1/8. I have been at this girth for about a month and a half ,so now I am mainly going for length. I now stretch first thing in the morning(to make SURE it gets done) and dry jelq at night (with a little less erection) When I hit 7” length, I am going back to girth work til i reach 5,5 girth. Then I will go back to length til i hit 8”

That is the plan anyway :D

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

I would go ahead and focus on girth exercises for now since it’s a long project to get to 8” length. Once you’re at 5” girth, go for a balanced program.

kkevinj what was your girth routine during the time you went from 4 3/8 to 5 1/8 in girth?

Stick with length work until you reach 8”. Indirectly, you’ll probably pick up a bit of girth along the way. That’s going to be the most efficient path to your goal.

The real keys are developing the best routine you can and then consistently following through.


Hey Tyeeris,

Well, in the beginning I mainly just jelqed and did squeezes. That helped some. Then I got tired of the mess of the wet jelqs, so I switched to dry jelqing with erect bends(downward and left and right) A little while after I switched to this, that is when my girth really moved along. I have been trying something new, when I do my dry jelqs while PC squeezing as well (to get more blood in the ole boy) I have started pulsating my hand a little as I move towards the head. This REALLY swells him good.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

Thanks ill have to try some of that.

How exactly does dry jelqing work? It seems like it would be difficult to do. Did anyone else besides kkevinj find this more effective?

Hey slick,
Not difficult at all. Grab it at the base with OK grip, do not slide along the skin. Your hand and fingers stay in contact with the same skin you first gripped. With good amount of pressure, move your OK grip towards the head, taking the skin with it. Release your pressure some while still maintaining your grip enough not to let your hand move from the skin and go back to the base and do a kegel. Right after kegeling, tighten your grip and repeat.

That is my best explaination, I am SURE there is a better one somewhere:D

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

AH, I think I get it. Thanks kkevinj. So you only use one hand over and over again, right? seems simpler than wet jelqing too. Did you find this to be more effective than wet jelqing?

oh YA, I found it to be much more effective than wet jelqing. You are gonna need to switch hands after a bit, it should start cramping. One thing, after you do about 10-15 SLOW dry jelqs, try to throw in a few girth exersices. Then go back to jelqing again.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

how slow is slow kkevinj?

6-10 seconds works well for me.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

kkevinj: Do you work your way down the shaft grabbing another patch of skin each time? My skin is tight enough that one grab at the base only enables me to jelq to a bit less than halfway to the end. Also, do you go back and forth slowly with the one grab or move very slowly toward the head as you jelq? Thanks.

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