Thunder's Place

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Suggestions Starting with much better girth than length.

Suggestions Starting with much better girth than length.

I thought I was just average on length and girth but after reading some threads here I guess my girth is not bad. Should I have a certain emphasis to focus more on length? I am just starting, as of a couple weeks ago.. Been doing some stretching and jelqs (if I am even doing them right) here and there.

Starting measurements:
Erect Length: about 5 7/8”
Erect Girth (just behind head): about 5 3/8”-5 1/2”
Erect Girth (at base): about 5 7/8”-6”

So in other words.. My girth is about as big as my length measurement. How should I factor this in to my routine? Sounds like 6” is good for girth, so ideally I’d like to maximize my length gains and maintain or improve my girth a little (don’t wanna LOSE any girth obviously).

Welcome to Thunder’s.

If I had your starting dimensions I probably wouldn’t have even discovered PE. :)

I think everyone should start with a simple stretching/jelqing program. Do it for a few months and see how you respond. Go from there. Maybe read up on hanging in the meantime.

Could we be cock-twins separated from birth?

I just discovered this site yesterday, so I started the newbie routine and did some measurements.

5.5” BPEL and 5.5” EG. Now, my Flaccid Stretched length is 6.69”.. So maybe I just couldn’t get it up that well by myself while holding a ruler.

I’m just going to go with the newbie routine for a couple of months and then I’ll see what happens.

Demonseed, you’re starting out with excellent girth and good length. Do the newbie routine and see what happens. After you’ve got your penis conditioned for PE then decide what you want to concentrate on. Good luck!

:_pump: :donatecar

Hi Demonseed, welcome and great starting size!

Like you, my girth is somewhat disproportionate to my length and I found that just doing the Newbie Routine, my girth increases easier than my length. Hopefully you won’t have the same dilemma. Just go really easy on the jelqs - keep a light grip and a slight lower erection level like around 40 - 50%. Focus on your stretching but don’t pull too hard…just enough to feel a good stretch and hold it there. I think stretch time matters more than stretch strength.

After a couple of months, if your length is still lagging you can start adding other length exercises to you routine.

Best of luck!

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