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Good length, poor girth gains


Good length, poor girth gains

Hi, I have been doing PE for about…hmmm exactly one month. in that time, I have mainly been doing manual stretches, and jelqing with a 50% or so erection (I was afraid of doing damage since I just started). So far, I have gained roughly .75” in length and almost nothing in girth. Is this due to my soft jelqing? I am at 6.5” bp now and my goal is to hit 7” nbp before I really start thinking about girth (not to worried since starting with 5” ). Since I want to gain a bit more length first, should I start jelqing with a more stiff erection, or stick with this routing until I gain my primary length goal?


P.S. if any moderator who also mods the original PE forum read this, I am not a troll so please activate my account on that forum

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

what are you doing for stretching, those are pretty good gains,

perhaps you should jelq at a 70 percent erection?


Go ahead on up to 60-70%. Don’t mess with squeezes or uli’s yet.

Since you start out with decent girth, i wouldn’t fret about it too much until you have 7”length.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Follow Luvdadus’ suggestion (he’s right + he’s had a harrowing day, what with his trolling and all :) ). Jelqing too soft has allowed you to stress the suspensory lig alot more than the tunica (shaft material), so that’s why you have length gains but little girth if any. Some suggest 80% erection for jelqing, too, but at some point I gotta wonder what is 70% and what is 80%, you know?? It should be *meaty*, but not hard. Like you could hear it smack against skin (ka-WHAP!), but not so soft you can fold it.

When I first started this journey about two years ago or so, the only thing I did from day one was jelq. Probably around the half erect mark. After my first month I moved up to “power jelqs”. Those I did around the 90% erect level with 3-5 seconds per stroke. In other words just under rock hard. I gained my first 3/4” or so of erect length from these along with 3/4” of erect girth. I never did any manual stretching. So yes length and girth can be had from doing various jelq type exercises. You didnt say how long each jelq stroke takes for you but, I’d suggest upping the erection level and slowing down the stroke. Really focus on getting a tight squeeze during the stroke but, not so tight it hurts. The idea here being to trap some blood when you begin the stroke at the base, then move that blood forward, forcing the inner tissues to stretch slightly beyond thier normal capacity. Like tissues elsewhere in the body (lips, ears, etc) with daily stretching they will expand slowly over time and begin to stay that way. Just my insight. Again, go slow but not too slow. Use your own common sense, read as much as you can and you may even want to hop on the chat every once in a while over on …lot of good guys with experience are in there from time to time. Of course the usuall bullshitters are there too, so take what you see with a grain of salt.

thanks guys I’ll try that :)

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!



I would add kegelling to your jelqing for more girth as I find it forces more blood in and it is a way for me to increase the degree of erection during a jelqing session. If you have not been doing kegels as part of your PE, start and you will have both better erections and in general, better PE workouts.

I can't join that

Unfortunately, I can’t join, since they think that I am a troll and wont authorize me :(

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

PE Terms


Check the PE Guide here at Thunder’s.

What kegel really about ? I mean, how to kegel

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Real Long, Real Large, Real Strong *that's how I want mine*

Now : 7.08" (18cm) ---> My Goal : 8" (20cm)+

Originally Posted by lexx
Hi, I have been doing PE for about.hmmm exactly one month. In that time, I have mainly been doing manual stretches, and jelqing with a 50% or so erection (I was afraid of doing demage since I just started). So far, I have gained roughly .75” in length and almost nothing in girth. Is this due to my soft jelqing? I am at 6.5” bp now and my goal is to hit 7” nbp before I really start thinking about girth (not to worried since starting with 5” ). Since I want to gain a bit more length first, should I start jelqing with a more stiff erection, or stick with this routing until I gain my primary length goal?


P.S. If any moderator who also mods the original PE forum read this, I am not a troll so please activate my account on that forum

Please tell me what you are doing. I wanna gain atleast 1inch 2 my penis. Thanks reply ASAP

Hey guys, does jelqing at 100% erection lead to length gains also? Anyone experience this here?

Originally Posted by CrazyEight

Hey guys, does jelqing at 100% erection lead to length gains also? Anyone experience this here?

Nope. Most of what I got from it was girth, both in erect and flaccid. The length I got was from the stretching part of my routine, I am sure.

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I second the request to post your routine.To my surprise all I’ve got from PE was girth gains even though I was comited to increasing my length..

I wonder what we divided people by this barrier of only girth/length gains do differently.

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