Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about Girth effect on length gains.

Question about Girth effect on length gains.

I’ve been pe’ing for a week, and I’m getting the feeling that my girth increases rather quickly. I’m about two inches from length goal. How much of an effect does girth have on length gains, and how much pressure should I be applying on stretch for optimal gains. I don’t want it to be difficult later to gain length is why I ask. Also is there something I can add on to the newbie routine that will allow me to further increase my length gains?

Jolly t'conquer the world, Jolly t'bear witness O'bars which imprison, Jolly in life, Jolly til' death.

A Pirates Progress Report

Goal: EL: 9 EG:7

Q1: Some people believe in that, do a search for “rubber band theory” for more information. I believe that it is bull crap but make your own decision.

Q2: Use medium pressure.

Q3 Do a search for “amazing isometrics”.

Thanks mate, you’re a big help to these forums.

Jolly t'conquer the world, Jolly t'bear witness O'bars which imprison, Jolly in life, Jolly til' death.

A Pirates Progress Report

Goal: EL: 9 EG:7

Originally Posted by JollyRog
Thanks mate, you’re a big help to these forums.

Yes, Bird is a splendid addition to the forum. I am consistently impressed with his insight for still being a teenager.

Cheers Bird. :up:

Thanks guys.

Bird2, from another newby.thanks!

Same here, from a newbie. Thanks.

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