Length and girth gains interaction
Hi, I’ve been PEing for about 2, 2.5 months. I don’t have a set routine, or a set period of time I PE every day, but I do PE on the average for about half an hour a day 4-5 days a week. I’m not very good at stretching, I started out with just stretching straight down, and since then my penis has started hanging a little lower, but no gain in length.
For the last 3 weeks I’ve been doing mainly jelqing and hand-clamping (I don’t know if there is a specific name for this exercise, but I grab the base of my penis in a reverse OK grip, and I squeeze first with the index finger and thumb, and then I add the other fingers. This seems to be very effective). Since I started the jelqing and clamping, I’ve noticed a bit of a gain in girth. A session is usually 3-4 sets of 2 minutes of jelqing with each jelq lasting about 2-3 seconds, followed by a 30 second hand clamp, a little break, and then repeat.
My question is this: Can I keep doing this girth routine, along with more stretches, and expect to get length gains, or should I stop doing the girth routine, and concentrate only on stretches? I think my girth gains are pretty steady so I’d like to keep gaining something while I’m doing PE.
P.S. Any techniques on not getting erections so often so I can do more stretches?
Thanks guys