Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

wad's Unified Theory - LOL!


wad's Unified Theory - LOL!

Hey, I’m going to be hashing out a bunch of info here - hope it’s helpful. I’ll be spewing forth parts as I have time (if interest is maintained in the thread).

As a service to my fellow breathren of dick tuggers & squeezers, when it’s completed, I’ll make a PDF (after the final installment), and link it near the end of the thread for download.


To fall in love with one’s own theories comes with the greatest of ease. But it’s my intention to explore my theory of PE growth, not merely as a point of argumentation, but to consider how one might tailor a training regimen based upon the theory.

Furthermore, aspects of the theory might help to determine: (1) probable gains potential for the newbie, and (2) when a trainee might be nearing the end game, as opposed to merely encountering common plateaus.

I propose to state the theory, explain in detail the origins of the theory, consider a few diagnostics, employ a few case studies, examine as many ramifications of the theory as it practical and to consider how one might develop an optimal training program for PE – not limited to the theory, but rather taking all things into account, especially some methods/tips of what’s been most helpful to me.

The theory…

PE gains are manifested by the gradual exhaustion of tissue elasticity within the penis. As those tissues are repeatedly subjected to tractional forces, both internally- and externally-invoked, the elasticity of those tissues is compromised by these stressors, inhibiting their ability to “return to normal.”

Accordingly, PE gains are not the result of “growth” – in the sense associated with hypertrophy – but rather they are the result of deformation (in the sense of stretching something “out of shape”).

The two immediate ramifications of this theory are:

(1) Unlike the gains that progressive-resistance training produces upon striated skeletal muscle (which require constant training to maintain), once new PE gains are cemented*, they are yours to keep. In other words, true deformation is permanent.

(2) As PE gains require tissue elasticity, upon which it feeds, the amount of gains potential in an individual trainee depends heavily upon the trainee’s genetic levels of penile elasticity. These levels vary greatly between individuals; indeed, even more than the variations between erect penis sizes.

* What does it really mean to “cement” a gain?

According to my theory, the process of “cementing” a gain is likely the result of true deformation – occurring incrementally, of course.

It’s quite possible that a suspected “new gain” could be the result of some residual tissue inflammation (following a long cycle of PE), or an unusually high state of arousal, or even a measuring anomaly. If the new measurement is able to be duplicated over time, then it is most likely a legitimate instance of deformation.

Another possibility is that when a new gain (i.e., tissue deformed to a visible increment) first presents, there may be a possibility of the tissue attempting to “return to normal.” Whether this might be thought of as “tissue memory” or is rather an instance of the organism attempting to restore homeostasis, I don’t know.

Or, there might possibly be “stages” through which even the smallest increment of deformation must pass. In other words, the tissues might attempt to reorient themselves at first – requiring subsequent workouts to solidify the deformation.

One other possibility (and I believe my own PE experience has shown this) is that there is always some “reverse creep” to your latest gain. In other words, you might have to go slightly beyond that gain to ensure that it is fully deformed. So, in theory, you will never cement your very last gain. (This suspicion has often been expressed by guys in the forum who state that they intend to go ¼” or more beyond their “goal” so that they can retain their goal size – in other words, “Goal + a little extra”).

In my own case, this “lag” or “play” amounted to about 1/8” in both length and girth. Despite the fact that I have not been active in PE since 2006, I’ve not lost more than 1/8” of either EL or EG in all this time.

(to be continued….)

So far, so good. The cementing part is actually the part I’m most concerned with at this point, so it’s quite pertinent to me. I’m looking forward to reading the rest!

START: 05/26/2014: BPEL=14 cm (5.51 in), MSEG = 13.3 cm (5.25 in)

LAST MEASURED: 11/17/2014: BPEL=15.3 cm (6.02 in), MSEG = not measured...yet

ULTIMATE GOAL: BPEL=17.8cm (7 in), MSEG = 14.6cm (5.75 in)

Wadzilla, as we’ve talked about in the “Medical Verification” thread, I still think that new tissue is being grown, as well as loss of elasticty. Neither of us can prove our opinions, but I’ll keep reading maybe some of the veteran PE’ers can give their opinions and the theory and facts behind them.

Part 2

4 Basic Types of PE

1) Surgical (spans various techniques – including injections, implants, etc.)
2) Pharmaceutical
3) Pneumatic (Vacuum pumping)
4) Mechanical (Manual, Hanging, ADS-type devices)

Surgical PE
Obviously offers enlargement – on average < 1.5” of EL immediately (and more after following their lengthy regimen of post-op hanging). Girth enlargement is generally more significant. Not only is phalloplasty quite expensive, but there have been a number of documented cases regarding some nasty (and even devastating) complications.

Pharmaceutical PE
Like most vets here, I am deeply skeptical of any benefits of “enlargement pills.” A number of such companies in the U.S. have come under federal indictment. This field is rife with fraud. The only pills that seem to have any effect on the penis are the meds that treat ED – such as Viagra, Cialis, etc (but none of those meds are for PE, nor do they appear to promote any actual size gains).

Pneumatic PE
This form of PE involves the manipulation of air pressure to cause expansion of the penile tissues. Of the 4 basic types of PE, only surgical and pneumatic have been studied extensively by the medical establishment.
The question of “permanence” regarding pneumatic PE gains has been hotly debated at the forum. It’s not my intention to pursue this matter here – other than to note that my skepticism of the permanence of PE gains is in line with that of the medical community. I should also note that some members here dispute that negative viewpoint.

Mechanical PE (MPE)
Manual, hanging and ADS-type PE. As Mechanical PE (specifically, Manual) is the type of PE that I pursued, it’s obviously the form in which I have the most experience. Also, this thread is mostly geared towards practitioners of Manual PE.
I believe that Mechanical PE is the best & safest form of PE; furthermore, I believe that MPE offers real gains, with the highest degree of permanence.
While MPE is time-consuming, and is more of a marathon than a sprint, I find it ironic that even Surgical PE involves a phase of MPE as well (the extensive post-op hanging regimen).

A final word on cementing gains….

While many have theorized that gains are “cemented” once you can consistently duplicate a particular measurement over a period of 6-8 weeks or so, I’ve come to suspect that there might always be some degree of retraction, relative to your most recent gains. In other words, it might be highly unlikely that you can cement a “best” measurement – only a “second best” measurement.

I believe that the majority of gainers can retain a very large portion of their gains – even after a layoff of 2 years or more, cold turkey (as I have done). However, there have been a few threads over the years where guys said they lost most, if not all, of their gains.

One guy – if I remember correctly – had some sort of severe accident. I also remember supersizeit saying that he’d made huge gains years ago, but after quitting, he lost them all. If I remember correctly, supersizeit had made the majority of those gains – if not all of them – by Pneumatic PE.

Not only do I believe that Pneumatic PE offers the least-permanent gains of all, but that type of PE is beyond the scope of this article.

There might be conditions/illnesses that can cause one to lose size, but for the vast majority of gainers, I don’t believe this would be a problem.

Natural Size Loss…is any size “permanent”?

According to the medical establishment, men tend to lose penile size as they age. In my case, by age 37, I’d lost about 3/8” EL and about 1/10” EG. I believe that Dino – who is around my age – also experienced some size losses when he was roughly the same age that I was when I lost size.

This size lost tends to be more pronounced as one ages significantly. Therefore, the natural question emerges: Is any size permanent?

This brings us to the next point to consider….

Maintenance Routines

A maintenance routine is a drastically scaled-down version of a standard PE workout - not only in terms of volume and intensity, but also in frequency.

Many opinions exist on what actually constitutes a “maintenance routine.” I tend to believe that it’s pretty light really. Maybe only one workout, of about 10 to 15 minutes, every 3 to 5 days or so.

However, as per my suspicion that only a 2nd-best gain is truly cemented, a maintenance routine might be superfluous in terms of trying to retain “100%” of your gains.

However, as I believe that a maintenance routine can help promote penile health (especially kegels and moderate jelqing), that alone might be reason enough to engage in one – as well as the natural tendency to lose size as a man gets older.

Part 3

Exploring the “Gains-via-Deformation” Theory (“grower” vs. “show-er”)

As I’d stated earlier, the theory:

PE gains are manifested by the gradual exhaustion of tissue elasticity within the penis. As those tissues are repeatedly subjected to tractional forces, both internally- and externally-invoked, the elasticity of those tissues is compromised by these stressors, inhibiting their ability to “return to normal.”

To derive any value from this theory, you first need to determine your “type.”

>> Determining Your “Type”

This is more or less the determination of the specific physical “configuration” of your own genitalia – both in terms of the penile tissues and the state of your ligaments.

I. For Penile Tissues

* A Personal Elasticity Diagnostic
The most common “average size” for an erect penis is < 6 x 4.9 or so. Furthermore, the “average” flaccid is said to be around 3 ½ - 4 x 3.75 or so.

F:E Ratio (Flaccid-to-Erect Ratio)

For length, this figures to about 1.6:1 (or, flaccid length representing nearly 2/3 of erect length – or possibly a little more).

For girth, this figures to about 1.33:1 (or, flaccid girth representing more than ¾ of erect girth).

If your flaccid length is roughly 2/3 (or slightly less) of your erect length, then you possess average elasticity. If your (typical) flaccid length is a good bit less than 2/3 of your erect length, then you are “grower” – and you possess atypically high elasticity in your penile tissues. If your (typical) flaccid length is definitely above 2/3 of your erect length, then you are a “show-er” – and you possess atypically low elasticity in your penile tissues.

* Variations between Length & Girth

While most members (and especially most women!) would agree that girth is the “Gold Standard,” too many members have reported dissatisfaction with their girth gains. Furthermore, most members have reported significantly more length gains than girth gains.

A quick perusal of typical F:E Ratios gives us a peek into why this might be:

Remember, we estimated the typical flaccid length to be roughly 63-66% of erect length; however, the typical flaccid girth is 75-77% of erect girth.

This shows two things:

1) The F:E Ratios are not uniform regarding girth and length.
2) The penile tissues tend to be longitudinally more elastic – relative to latitudinal elasticity.

Ergo, greater length elasticity allows for more potential length gains (the greater the elasticity, the greater the potential for plastic deformation).

The lesser girth elasticity holds lesser overall potential for girth gains.

Not only can this situation explain the commonly-shared difficulties for gaining girth, but it also tends to bolster the “Gains-via-Deformation” theory.

* Note – While my own girth gains tend to have outstripped my length gains, this is misleading only on the surface. Even though I started out as an extreme shower, my current flaccid girth is about 88% of my erect girth. However, my current flaccid length – despite good EL gains – is still significantly below the average F:E Ratio.

What does this mean? In theory, I have nearly maxed out my girth gains potential; whereas, I still have some (decent) length gains potential.

Yet, was I not mainly seeking length gains? Yes. Then why have my girth gains been the most significant? Two reasons: (1) A lot more length elasticity necessarily requires a greater struggle to overcome that elasticity en route to deformation, and (2) I believe that I had accidentally trained in a way to increase girth gains – slow, strong jelqing, with, initially, token stretching work. I had not realized the implications of my length elasticity when I was at the peak of my training (up to 2006) – nor did I really exploit some of the most effective length techniques (such as dual-fulcrum stretching, 2-a-day stretching regimens and memento’s effective routine).

One more point: With lesser elasticity for girth, you’ll have less potential for overall girth gains; however, the bulk of those gains shouldn’t take too long to realize (I gained 0.5” of EG in my 1ST 5 weeks of PE – far more rapidly than any length gains I ever achieved; since I had less elasticity for girth, I was able to begin realizing deformation for girth more quickly than I did for length).

What Variations in Penile Elasticity Signify

* A “Show-er” has less overall elasticity. Therefore, he should be able to begin realizing deformation more quickly than average, because he has less elasticity to overcome. However, with less elasticity, he also has less potential for overall gains.

In short: A “show-er” tends to grow quickly, but he probably won’t gain very much.

* A “grower” has more overall elasticity. Therefore, he will take longer to begin to overcome enough elasticity to start showing gains. However, his greater elasticity holds the promise of greater long-term gains – if he’s stubborn enough to stay with it.

In short: A “grower” has the potential for pretty good gains overall, but this can be a long, grueling process.

II. For Ligs

Phalloplastic surgeons have reported immediate post-op length gains that vary by as much as 100% (between 1-2”). As these gains are entirely due to ligs, and since those lig gains can vary by as much as 100%, that would certainly suggest that men can differ in their ability to achieve lig gains.

The LOT test

While I’m not sure that Bib’s “tugback test” is a consistently accurate indicator as to whether one’s ligs are shorter or longer, it did prove reliable in my particular case (I consistently scored low on the LOT scale; accordingly, I gained no more than ½” of lig gains).

While I wouldn’t regard the results of his test to be carved in stone, I still believe it’s worth tinkering with.

Angle of Erection (AOE)

This could also be scored according to a clock’s face. What is your AOE when you are standing and sporting a full-blown erection? This can certainly vary much – although I don’t believe it has anything to do with race or ethnicity, but is rather an individual thing.

Curiously enough, however, this may not have much to do with the status of your ligs, since one phalloplastic surgeon’s website claimed to be able to sever these ligs with a laser without altering the AOE.


>> Determining When You’re Nearing the End Game

As I’ve theorized, at any given time you’re probably at different degrees of your respective length & girth potentials (they are not one and the same). It would stand to reason that as you gradually exhaust your individual levels of elasticity, you will gradually close the gap between your respective flaccid and erect sizes.

Will the two “no longer twain, become one”? Doubtful. But, I bet the flaccid percentage could go up into the 90’s – even high 90’s (like I said, my flaccid girth is 88% of my EG – but my flaccid length is still < 60% of my erect length).

CORRECTION: in the above segment, I said, “Even though I started out as an extreme shower…”

I meant to say “GROW-er.”


Great thread wad. A lot of good info here.

Then: 5.63"x4.25" ---> Now: 6.50"x4.44"

Originally Posted by wadzilla
CORRECTION: in the above segment, I said, “Even though I started out as an extreme shower…”

I meant to say “GROW-er.”


OK now it makes sense…..After reading I was going to ask you what the hell you did to start as a shower and still have a lot of elasticity available. :( I started as a shower and now I’m more shower than before. There has to be a way to change this.

Thatnks for your info!! very useful.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG

Excellent post wad. During my first 6 months of PE, I would focus on how the stretching had an effect on my penis in terms of the elasticity. I would pull my penis out until it was completely taut, then I would pull harder, giving me an extra quarter to half inch stretch. This would be my “true” stretch. I’ve gone past the natural recoil of my penis, and focused on deforming it. My dick completely transformed as the waist band on a pair of underwear does. When you first wear it, the waist band is nice and elastic. After a while, it loses its elastic nature - and if you’re able to keep the underwear clean and in tact for say three years, the waist band is pretty much shot. It’s this stretched, non elastic, cord-like piece. That is slowly how my penis became. My goal is to get that flaccid size as close to my erect size as possible for a few obvious reasons.

Quick question wad: one of my favorite threads on this site was the one you posted about how if you stretch to one angle, you can alter your penis. I stretch using my left wrist as a fulcrum, pulling with my right hand, and my penis is rotated slightly clockwise while I stretch (so the right corpus cavernosa chamber is touching my wrist, and not the c.s. chamber). My penis began pointing towards the left with a curve, but say a year of this stretching and PE, it has been bent (think 45 degree angle almost) at its base - towards the right. Should I stretch using opposite hand placements, and slightly rotating my penis counter-clockwise so it hits the left c.c. chamber? Does that sound anything like what you were talking about in that post?

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Congratulations Wad, for doing what Einstein could never figure out!

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
Congratulations Wad, for doing what Einstein could never figure out!

LOL. But didn’t that surfer dude professor from CA claim to have done this?

Originally Posted by wadzilla
As I’ve theorized, at any given time you’re probably at different degrees of your respective length & girth potentials (they are not one and the same). It would stand to reason that as you gradually exhaust your individual levels of elasticity, you will gradually close the gap between your respective flaccid and erect sizes.

Will the two “no longer twain, become one”? Doubtful. But, I bet the flaccid percentage could go up into the 90’s – even high 90’s (like I said, my flaccid girth is 88% of my EG – but my flaccid length is still < 60% of my erect length).

Hi wad,

1. Do you mean that doing PE consistently we will all become showers?

2. May you precise what kind of measurement do you intend?. I mean, surely you are speaking of BPEL, but how do you take the lenght of the flaccid penis? BP, NBP, down way, horizontal ecc.

3. Now I take my FL in standing position, horizontal and NBP fashion. And I have still difficult to reach 4”. My BPFSL is 9+” , my BPEL is 8” and NBPEL is 7.25”. I gained 2” erect and almost 3” BPFSL. So according your theory my rate is 50%. Is this correct?

Furthermore I have to say that I have a great feeling with stretching but ZERO feeling with fowfers, wrapping, extenders and all form of passive PE.

Originally Posted by wadzilla

Will the two “no longer twain, become one”? Doubtful. But, I bet the flaccid percentage could go up into the 90’s – even high 90’s (like I said, my flaccid girth is 88% of my EG – but my flaccid length is still < 60% of my erect length).

As you hinted, the flaccid penis will never be as big as the erect penis. For one, there’s a difference in smooth muscle relaxation between a flaccid and erect penis. When the penis gets erect, the smooth muscles relaxes and blood flow increase and the size will increase as well, at least the girth.

My Measurements | My Favorites

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