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Alternating girth and length work every month instead of breaks

Alternating girth and length work every month instead of breaks

If you alternate between girth and length work do you think it could be similar to taking a break. I noticed better gains after a month of light stretching, and many people would like to experiment with breaks but find it hard to stop for a month (PE addicts!).

Say you dedicate 1 hour a day to PE. For simplicity say 30min length 30min girth. If breaks do benefit PE then over a course of a year you may get better overall gains by alternating each month or every 2 months. Switching between 1 full hour girth or length.

Of course it is not a “real” break but it is a change between longitudinal and lateral tunica work and the ligs will get a break.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

I think it’s similar. After doing only length work for a few months, I switched to girth and actually got a gain (wow). After a couple months of girth work I took a break, mostly, for a while. Now I’m making excellent progress hanging.

I doubt one month on each is long enough. 2-3 months seem like a better plan.

Of course it is not a “real” break but it is a change between longitudinal and lateral tunica work

This is effectively working on the theory that a long break will decondition the penile tissue, allowing it to return to “newbie” status. As such, gains are easier to come by.

Exercising in one direction allows tissues to become deconditioned in the other, so that when you swap back again - gains! A sound theory IMO, that is becoming more and more popular.

It is easier to do solely length work than just girth work, i.e. when doing girth work you do tend to stretch it lengthwise a bit. So maybe 1 month length 2 month girth would be better. Or longer as hobby mentioned.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

Trigger, I’ve been at this site (registered) since Dec 03, and I myself thought that if body builders do split routines i.e. working individual isolated muscle groups, and I have done that for years working out. That it should apply to PE as well. I can jelq more (1440 reps) on my jelq days. And stretch ADS on my stretch days. 2 days on one off, never on Sundays. I have seen growth but have not measured as yet. I started @7.25 hard length and 5.08 hard girth. my girth has increased and my wife says it feels like I am touching her spine in length now. It’s very cool and mostly fun to see my body change for the positive.

I think it’s better to use ligs versus tunicawork. Because a lengthroutine can consist of working both the ligs and the tunica.

I don’t think you should use a preset amount of time to work on one routine but switch as soon as you feel you’re not gaining (anymore) and have cemented the gains. How long this take will differ per individual.

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