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No more length. Let's focus on girth. Girth advice appreciated

No more length. Let's focus on girth. Girth advice appreciated

I am exactly 3 months into PE. I was already much larger than average when I started, my main aim of PE is to increase my girth.

My starting stats were: NBEL 18.5cm (7.3 / 20cm BPEL) - MSEG around 13 cm (5.1) and Base EG 14cm(5.5’)

I have started with the newbie routine: warm cloth, stretching in 4 directions and jelqing and expanded the workout time gradually. After the first 2 weeks I had already felt the difference in EQ and my penis felt stronger. During the last month I have stopped jelqing and I am more focusing on girth exercises doing slinky for 15 minutes every session and some clamping.

(By the way seriously who uses the mid size clamp? I think I have read somewhere that the proper clamp to use is the middle size one, but I am finding too tight to put on, so I am using the large one)

Until recently I was focusing on the NBEL measurement and I could say that I didnt see much difference in length either, however the reason might be that I have put on 6-7 kg in weight in the last 3 months and essentially this increased my fat pad.

So today I did a long edging session and took full measurements and found them to be:
NBEL 19cm (7.5’) / BPEL 20.8 cm -8.1’ - MSEG around 13-13.2 cm (5.1-5.2) Base EG 15cm(6’), and just below the shaft girth 13.4-13.5 cm = 5.3’

I am quite happy that I saw definite results!!

Jelqing conditioned my penis and improved the length but I did not see any difference in girth from it that’s why I stopped doing it. Also I am at the point where any more length is not necessary so I NEED to do ONLY girth exercises which is what I have started doing. However the strange thing is that my base girth increased by a whole 0.5’ while the mid section remained pretty much unaffected.

I have to note that my penis when erected is not straight but has an upward curve starting from the mid section. Is this a desired curve? When I look on it from the top it looks like a long stick, when looking from the side it looks much different because of the big base girth in comparison to the mid section .

The main point is do you have any advice on how to increase Mid section girth?

Looks like you gained minimal length but have gained good base girth. May as well stick with whatever you did. What do you attribute your base gains too?

By the way when you measured did you take your curve into consideration, meaning you measured that also?

I have been doing Sadsak slinky every session for the last one month or more for at least 15 minutes. However I think I not was doing it in the way shown in the video as I was almost semi- erect and not fully flacid. So I guess I was doing my own variation. Perhaps this created more tension to the base and thus the result.

How do you measure the curve?

You get a bendable ruler and run it along the curve of your unit

Originally Posted by in78
You get a bendable ruler and run it along the curve of your unit

No a soft tape for measuring clothing items among other things. And thanks for the sadinsky tip. I’ll be incorporating that soon, never really tried it.

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