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The theory of length before girth

The theory of length before girth

So how much evidence is there out there, anecdotal or anything, that it is really easier to get length before girth gains than after? I understand the fundamental idea behind it, that it is harder to stretch a thicker dick than one that hasn’t grown laterally yet. However, if the idea really isn’t much more than a theory with not much evidence to back it up, it would seem that since girth probably positively affects sex more than length does, then maybe it is smarter to develop them equally from the beginning if you are going to be having sex from the beginning.

I mean, sure if I wasn’t planning on meeting any girls that I might like in the next year then I would focus more on length before girth. However, I can’t stand the feeling of wishing I was a little thicker while boning a beautiful girl. So I would really like to know what kind of evidence there is out there to support the idea of going for length before girth — otherwise, I think I’ll go ahead and put some effort into making sure I’m thicker as soon as possible.

I think it more depends of the forces used.

I think that if you use very high forces for girth, like clamping, its the toughening primarily that makes length gains tougher. If you do use high forces, I think a few months of decon should help get past that problem.

Just jelque or pump, or better yet jelque AND pump and work on thickness and length at the same time.

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