Thunder's Place

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Only Girth Gains. Help with Length

Only Girth Gains. Help with Length

Recently I was wondering if it might be harder to gain length once I got my desired girth or even impossible. I only do manual stretches(including V stretch) and jelqs along with an ocassional uli or two. I was wondering when I should do my length routines in order to maximize the effect. Currently I do my routine twice a day for 2 or 3 days on and one day off. I have gained a little of 1/4 inch in girth but still nothing in the length department. Should I do more manual stretches because currently I only do them for about 10 min and should I do them everyday? I have a busy schedual so I cant really experiment with new methods because I dont really have that much time so that is why im asking you guys cause your the experts. Another thing I was wondering is has anyone ever gained girth first and then gained in length? Thanks for all your support guys you are the best.

It’s all cool man, don’t sweat things too much. Considering your busy schedule, pile on as much stretching as you can. Disregard days off unless needed when doing length type routines. I can’t help you much with the rest, I didn’t analyze things too much.

Stretch as much as you can. Do it everyday. 10 min is not enough for significant length gains. IMHO, it is harder to gain length if you focus on girth first, but that is just speculation. Do what you can, when you can.


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