Thunder's Place

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how long did it take you till your first real girth gains


how long did it take you till your first real girth gains

ive been PEing for about 8 months now (probably about 6 months properly), used to do a poor wet jelq routine until about a month ago now doing all intense girth excercises like hard dry jelq, horse squeezes and uli’s about 3/4 days a week for around 40 minutes each day, defently more intense but still havent gotten any significent girth gains, now ive started the much more intense workout im sure this will help, started PE 7.2 inch length and just under 5 girth, now im 7.5 length and 5 girth so im primarily for the girth!! still not entirely convinced that PE works after reading certain doctor opinions on how it may cause internal bleeding and cause temporary gains then just go back to normal, but also my common sense tells me you work something out and put it under alot of stress then it will become stronger and larger, also the fact that the penis is sort of a ballon of blood which could be possible to strech.. all opinions and comments welcome,


bizzabolla, I used to be a skeptic as well. I saw how pumping could work, but I was not sure about PE using my hands. I remember when I went to the DR with my friend(who had penis surgery) The doc told him and me that pumping ONLY works if you have the surgery. I was thinking, HUMMM, I suppose the 1/2” length I gained with the pump was imaginary:leftie:

Sounds like you are on the right track, I personally think 40min may be a bit too much. I would do 20-30 min myself, remember, sometimes less is more!!!!! How long have you been at PE?? Try throwing in some erect bends into your workout, they really helped me.

BTW, I am up to 5 1/4” girth now. I started with 4 3/8” girth.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP


I can sympathize with you. My measurements are similar to yours (7.5”BP x 4.875”) and it has taken me about 6 months to gain 1/8” EG. All I’m working towards is girth.

Some things I have learned during this time:

1. I wont measure more than once per week. I used to be obsessive about measuring (multiple times per day) and it would only discourage me since the measurements never seemed to change. You are much more likely to notice an increase if you measure less often.

2. I wont change routines more than once per month. For me this is a process of trial and error to find out what works and what doesn’t. There is no way to know if a routine is working unless you give it a real chance.

Lately I’ve been trying girth supersets and I’ve noticed a definite increase in flaccid size. I havn’t seen any erect gains yet but hopefully the flaccid increase is a sign of gains to come.

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

I’d say definitely less jelqing. I used to do 40 minutes a day and it was way too much for my penis. It may work for you though, you never know. Check if your penis shrinks up after a jelq session, if it does, you’re jelqing too much.

I agree less is more. I took the Newbie approach and only do about 10 minutes of hard concentrated girth work. Maybe 15 minutes max, for 5 days a week.

I used to spend an hour but I would just go through the motions, after 10 minutes, my penis and my hands are completely exhausted now.

I also only measure once a month.

1 month = 0.5” erect girth…

length was/is my struggle, girth seems easy.


What’s your secret?

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof


Please take a few moments to check the guidelines on capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

Thanks, and welcome to Thunders.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally posted by wadzilla

length was/is my struggle, girth seems easy.

Yep same here.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?


I wouldn’t mind knowing what your girth routine is either.

Without any direct girth work other than a few minutes of light, circulation jelqing post-session, I’ve gained 1/4” of girth from hanging over the past six weeks.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

The same thing happened to me after I started back manual stretching. 1/8 more girth in six days.

1.25 inches down, 1.75 to go!!!!!! For 8" NBP

MX, kkevinj,

Did you gain only base girth or did you gain midshaft as well?

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

I’ve had probs with girth too. I figured out that I was being shiftless with my squeezes (not holding them long enough). Now I make sure I hold ‘em tight for a FULL thirty seconds at the least, and do multiple sets of them in between jelq sets. I think it’s working. Oh yeah, and I went back to training every day.

There’s way too many people here that seem to be getting results, so DON’T QUIT!!!!

Becoming.... Godsize


That 1/4” gain was at mid-shaft. I haven’t been keeping track of base girth.


Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

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