Thunder's Place

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No girth gains, but volume gains

No girth gains, but volume gains

My girth is 4.75. I like any man would love to have a real fat cock because as a signature I read the other day said, “length for bro’s, girth for hoes” which I think is a pretty good way of putting it. Guys like to care about the length of there cocks while the key is girth. Any way that has nothing to do with my post, I just think it’s kind of catchy.

My girth has stayed at exactly 4.75 while I have gained a little in length. Literally though it is right on that line on the ruler. So exactly on the line I feel like its a joke. And it won’t budge.

But to brighten my day a little that was taken from the widest point which was originally just above the mid point. Now however my widest point is my whole cock. I have made girth gains every where except at my widest point.

Do you think I should just keep doing what I’m doing and eventually my widest point will stop being a cock (excuse the pun) and grow a little?
Or is there any thing I can learn from this?

Also is this normal or do most guys tend to grow at certain parts along their shaft?

Starting: NBPEL: 5.75" EG: 4.75" (widest point)

3.5 Months: NBPEL: 6.175" EG: 4.75"

Goal: Goliath

I don’t know much about girth gains but I would be interested in it as well.Little more ant a bad thing. I heard hanging adds girth but I have not been hanging long enough to tell.

5/27/09 start>>> BP Length 5.5 NBP 5 Girth 5.5

7/16/09>>> BP Length 6 NBP 5.5 Girth 5.5.

Thank you PE and Thunders.

I would imagine it would be perfectly natural afor your dick to even out along it’s length

Doing PE forces blood along your penis and the internal forced pressures will be the same all along and so would tend to even things out

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