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Lenght gains, then girth gains. What about get them both?

Lenght gains, then girth gains. What about get them both?

Hello guys! How are you?

Well, I’d like to know your opinions on my gains. Since I started the newbie routine in January, I’ve gained a bit in lenght (from 5.3 to 5.7 BPEL in one month, more or less) and stayed the same girthwise. Later, after I’ve recovered from a small injury, I started pumping. After one and a half month of pumping, I’ve seen no gains at all, but my penis was hanging fuller during the day. That was nice to see… and feel!

Then, I decided to add some sort of squeezes (a variant of horses), and I’ve already seen some significant gains in girth. I was astonished at how fast it was, because I haven’t gained a single mm since I’ve started PEing.

Now, since my routine is basically composed by pumping, light jelqing and squeezing, and since I’m not gaining in lenght since my second or third month of PE, do you guys think I should add some more exercises for lenght? I thought pumping was enough, but until now, it only prove me wrong.

Also, I’m pumping 5 days on, 2 off.

What are your advices my friends?

Big big hug to you all!


P.S.: I also owe a ADS from penisplus, which I haven’t been using for some months now because I thought I would be overtraining my cock, since I’m already puting it under a big stress while pumping. It surely helped me a lot on my lenght gains at the very beginning of my PE career. Should I go for it again? Wouldn’t that be too much?

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

Well, I suggest staying with newbie routine more than one month. Why? Note, what exercises gives you length gains… Stick to basic workout for some time. If you aiming for length, add stretches and invest on them enough time.

Good luck!

Originally Posted by Cube
Well, I suggest staying with newbie routine more than one month. Why? Note, what exercises gives you length gains… Stick to basic workout for some time. If you aiming for length, add stretches and invest on them enough time.
Good luck!

Thanks for your advice Cube! Well, I’ve done the newbie routine for nearly 5 months, and in the first couple of months I’ve seen some decent lenght gains. Anyway, I think that the ADS stretcher helped a lot too. Then, when I started to pump, I foolishly stopped the stretching routine and the ADS (I focused only on my pumping routine) and since then I’m exactly the same, lenghtwise. My girth has changed a bit, mainly because of horses.

Ok… so I think I’m going back to good old days, and start pulling my cock again, and maybe wear the ads a few hours. Let’s see what happens…

Maybe I’ll pump every other day, and stretch between. One day for lenght gains, the other for girth. Is this ok? Vets please?

G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

A lot of jelqing, don’t forget it. They are fundamental when it comes to length gains.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

Okay dude, I’ve heard that some guys just naturally gain length like crazy, while others gain girth. Just like some dudes are fast gainers and others are slow gainers, each person is different (girth also seems to come a lot easier for me too). I’m a newbie, but for some reason I feel like I’ll be happy with my girth gains and just alright with my length, but should I be focusing on length now and girth later? Either way, I just feel lucky that I’ve noticed gains so far!

On Newbie Routine since 06-25-07

Beginner Stats & Pics


Okay guys, I’m back to basics!

Today, I started wearing the ADS again, and I will also keep my pumping routine, but… I will add a stretching routine every other day. How could I expect some major length gains if I really wasn’t doing anything to achieve them? I wasn’t stretching… I thought the pumping and jelqing thing could work for me, alone. Well, they didn’t, not until now, so I’m going back to what gave me some decent results in the past.

Now… what are your favourite stretching exercises, and what are the ones that worked best for you?


G_want7's log

2007: BPEL: 5.1 / MSEG: 4.5 / 2008: BPEL: 6.5 / MSEG: 4.8

I think it\'s amazing, the way that love can set you free...

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