Thunder's Place

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Length and girth on same day

Length and girth on same day

Hi guys, this my first post although I’ve been lurking for about a month. I’ve been doing PE for only two weeks and do length and girth in the same workout, am I wasting my time doing both in the same session, maybe 1 day length, 1 day girth, 1 day off and repeat is better?

I bought an andro-penis device and used it as instructed for about two months, saw no gains and stopped due to the length of the device becoming very obvious during my working day.

I have seen a slight increase in length (3/16 of an inch) and although I haven’t measured girth, it is much wider after exercising, especially as I wear a tight rubber cock-ring for a few hours afterwards to keep it pumped. I get the baseball bat effect a lot but I like it cause it makes my dick look heavier.

My workout takes me about an hour and includes warm-up, stretching and 3 manual exercises each for length and girth. What should I do to progress guys, split up my workout or carry on for a couple of months and see if anything happens.



I haven’t looked at it lately, but does the Newbie Routine take 1 hour? I wouldn’t worry too much about the girth/length angle. It seems almost mission impossible to work on one are and it not affect the other, no need to borrow needless headaches so soon. Enjoy it. Welcome aboard.

Thanks nine!

There’s one other thing that bugging me, I’m getting these tiny visible, blood spots I guess on the shaft and head of my penis, maybe I need more warm up and it’s not worrying me or anything but during my last session while jelqing I noticed I TINY drop of blood coming out of the tip of my penis, there were three drop in about ten minutes, really, REALLY small but they were there nonetheless, have I damaged the inside of my dick?

To be frank with you, it looks like you are doing too much. There is no need to use a bomb on your penis when it needs the force of a feather. Milk out the gains slowly(Newbie Routine), then in time as you become more aware and the dick gets more conditioned you will need to add to this. Too much too soon will create trauma and put you in danger of an injury. That being said, good ole’ fashion jelqing is my suggestion along with light stretching as the NR suggests.

In regards to the bleeding, I’ve experienced this from time to time, IMO it stems from too much pressure. Do a search on it and see if it helps you. The red spots are busted capillaries, some say this is caused from too much force.

How are you regular/nocturnal erections? I sense you are over-training. Don’t get in a hurry with this shit, there is too much to lose. Go to the top of the Newbie Forum and click on the “Start here” thread.

Originally Posted by teddyuk
Hi guys, this my first post although I’ve been lurking for about a month. I’ve been doing PE for only two weeks and do length and girth in the same workout, am I wasting my time doing both in the same session, maybe 1 day length, 1 day girth, 1 day off and repeat is better?

I bought an andro-penis device and used it as instructed for about two months, saw no gains and stopped due to the length of the device becoming very obvious during my working day.

I have seen a slight increase in length (3/16 of an inch) and although I haven’t measured girth, it is much wider after exercising, especially as I wear a tight rubber cock-ring for a few hours afterwards to keep it pumped. I get the baseball bat effect a lot but I like it cause it makes my dick look heavier.

My workout takes me about an hour and includes warm-up, stretching and 3 manual exercises each for length and girth. What should I do to progress guys, split up my workout or carry on for a couple of months and see if anything happens.


Stick to the newbie routine for 2-3 months to condition your dick. I have been doing both length and girth excersizes but now I have achieved my girth goal(at least for the moment). I regret this because when you have more girth it is harder to gain length. So my honest advice is go for lenght after the NR.

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