Thunder's Place

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Flaccid stretch vs. erect length


Originally Posted by alin
So, if you’re doing downward stretches, it doesn’t enlarge the tunica?

Downward stretches apply tension to the ligaments more than upward stretches do.

The tunica should get the same amount of tension regardless of the direction it’s pulled.

If someone was certain they had exhausted all potential growth from their ligaments they could “target” just the tunica by stretching only upward.

I don’t exactly see the logic behind ignoring the ligaments, unless you can be sure they can no longer be stretched. Even then, I do not know how one would know if you’ve reached that limit, where any effort to exercise the ligaments becomes futile.

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Originally Posted by marinera
Please guys, don’t start throwing around the LOT theory. I’m asking, ok?

Never gave any attention to this theory, but is funny how people would mention it frequently few years back, and now people are so sensitive about it and mention it with such repulsion.

Originally Posted by alin
So, if you’re doing downward stretches, it doesn’t enlarge the tunica?

And by the way, I always stretch downwards, maybe with few variations depending on the direction I felt more fatigue, and always felt the tunica stretching as well the ligs.

Last edited by Bone.Head : 07-31-2011 at .

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