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Flaccid stretch vs. erect length


Flaccid stretch vs. erect length

Hey guys, quick question I’ve been wondering about. How should flaccid stretch length compare to erect length, nbp of course. I ask because I’ve seen some members report a longer stretch than erect length. My stretch is about 2cm less though. Is this an indication of growth potential, or lack there of? Tight ligaments maybe? Btw, this is prior to pe since I’m not serious about it yet.


I never bother with flaccid measurements, for me it varies wildly. Slightly aroused effects it, when it’s hot its bigger, cold smaller, etc.

Way too many variables to get hung up on it. I’m just happy on those warm days when it’s big. :D

B4: ?? 2019: 6.875" NBPEL / 7.5" BPEL / 5.75" EG

2/20: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 5.75" EG

Goal: 8" x 5.75", maybe coveted 8 x 6

You misunderstand, I’m talking about flaccid stretch.. Stretched. The way I understand it this is an indication of how much your ligaments can stretch. I’m just wondering what it means for pe potential.

Hey man, your answer can be found on this thread, specifically Part 2. Even though that may be your answer, I highly recommend reading all of what remek has posted. Definitely a great read. Hope this helps!

My bpfsl is a half inch longer than my bpel. I think it’s always been like that.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Thanks plaun, that’s a very good read. As I suspected, my tunica is my limiting factor.. According to all that anyway. My flaccid stretch is on average 2cm less than erect length. Makes sense to me. Anyone else have input on this?

Wow this makes me rethink my whole routine. Awesome. It’s funny I just started clamping the other day and it’s exactly what I should be doing. My flacid stretch is 7 inches and my bpel is 6.5.

Your welcome, FL_Titan. I’m just starting to get serious with my PE and, like you, my tunica is the limiting factor. I don’t have much input, but hopefully in a month or two I might be able to give some results.

My BPFSL was about the same as my BPEL before I PEed, now my BPFSL is about a 1/2 inch above.

So what’s the best exercises for enlarging the tunica?

Originally Posted by FL_Titan
So what’s the best exercises for enlarging the tunica?

Anything that “pulls” it upwards. For example, I wear my extender pointed upwards to target the tunica since my LOT shows that I would gain little from having it pointed downwards. However, since this is the newbie forum you should be doing manual upward stretches as the best method to enlarging the tunica.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Please guys, don’t start throwing around the LOT theory. I’m asking, ok?

Originally Posted by marinera

Please guys, don’t start throwing around the LOT theory. I’m asking, ok?

Marinera what’s the best think you advice me to do ? I have a little over 7 npb and 6.26 eg at the base .I tried hanging for one month but not enough privacy,and since I have a tough tunica I was thinking maybe the extender its better for privacy reasons .Your advices are always good.

Current 8 bpel /7.25 nbp 6.25 eg .

Goal , I be happy with 8 NBP so I can relocate her kidney.

Originally Posted by WetMayo
Anything that “pulls” it upwards. For example, I wear my extender pointed upwards to target the tunica since my LOT shows that I would gain little from having it pointed downwards. However, since this is the newbie forum you should be doing manual upward stretches as the best method to enlarging the tunica.

So, if you’re doing downward stretches, it doesn’t enlarge the tunica?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

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