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Erect increments without flaccid increments?

Erect increments without flaccid increments?

How is the relationship between flaccid length increase and erect length increase? Is it necessary on increase the flaccid length to get erect length? For instance, can I get from 5” bpel to 7” bpel without any change in flaccid length?
I am aware that you need flaccid -stretched- length increase to get extra erect length.
And, how is this increase related to lig increments vs. tunica increments? Is it possible that either (or both) of the increments require the flaccid length to increment (or not)?

I hope you could understand my jibberish.


I would propose that BPFSL is proportional to BPEL and inversely proportional to EG (erect girth).

I dunno if we can confirm this observation (would require some Excel work) but I think as girth increases, there is a *bigger* difference between BPFSL & BPEL (for obvious reasons that FSL involves 1 dimensional strain while BPEL involves 2 dimensional strain - volume of the penis is the same remember!). i.e, whatever lateral expansion the dick would have is being added to lengthwise increase when stretched flaccid…

So what it means is that if you start observing that the difference between your BPFSL & BPEL is increasing, the indication is that your girth is also increasing (just my theory so far) ;-)

Sorry, typo. BPFSL is proportional to EG increase…

That could be…… I was looking at that as well. Since the tunica is in two layers, one layer is resistant to L stretches and one resistant for G, I thought that wouldnt matter that much.

Atleast thats the way I read it.

“The tunica albuginea of the penis(above) consists of two fibro-elastic connective tissue layers, an inner circular and an outer longitudinal. The inner circular connective tissue layer serves to contain the erectile tissue’s diameter during erection. […] The outer longitudinal layer is present to regulate the length of the expanding penis and it extends from the glans to the proximal crura of the penis where it inserts into the pubic ramus.”

Originally Posted by rg
I would propose that BPFSL is proportional to BPEL and inversely proportional to EG (erect girth).

I dunno if we can confirm this observation (would require some Excel work) but I think as girth increases, there is a *bigger* difference between BPFSL & BPEL (for obvious reasons that FSL involves 1 dimensional strain while BPEL involves 2 dimensional strain - volume of the penis is the same remember!). i.e, whatever lateral expansion the dick would have is being added to lengthwise increase when stretched flaccid…

So what it means is that if you start observing that the difference between your BPFSL & BPEL is increasing, the indication is that your girth is also increasing (just my theory so far) ;-)

So that is exactly what happened to me. I had really large SFL gains, then FG and EG gains of 0.25 inches, but no change in EL. These all came from a hanging routine.

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