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Flaccid Jelq vs Semi Erect Jelq

Flaccid Jelq vs Semi Erect Jelq

I have been looking for information on which way is good to jelq.

From what I know I think flaccid jelqing (jelqing from the flaccid state. Which doesn’t mean you stay flaccid. I found myself going from flaccid to about 40-50% erect) will help more with length gains. Where 60-80% erect jelqing will be for girth, and some length. My goal is to get an inch in both girth, and length. I would also like to improve the quality of my erections. I would love to hear from the veterans what their experience has been with jelqing, and what level of hardness they were at. has there been any tests done to see what level of erection for jelq is best for girth, or length?

How you start your jelqing (flaccid or already erect) should not make any difference. The percentage of erection means more or less blood is there to move around. That may have some overall effect on the end result or the amount of time it takes to get to the end result. It makes some sense that more blood might put greater pressure on the sides during the jelq stroke (the 60-80% erection) while a less full erection would allow more force longitudinally. How you start is probably a matter of personal preference.

This is a good topic, and I have a question related to it.

When jelqing, sometimes I get close to 100% erect, although I start flaccid. I always stop and allow the accumulated blood to drain out of the penis a bit.

I have always interpreted staying below 100% erect as not jelqing with a full erection.

I don’t try to get that engorged, but it just happens, is this bad?

Originally Posted by Tivase
This is a good topic, and I have a question related to it.

When jelqing, sometimes I get close to 100% erect, although I start flaccid. I always stop and allow the accumulated blood to drain out of the penis a bit.

I have always interpreted staying below 100% erect as not jelqing with a full erection.

I don’t try to get that engorged, but it just happens, is this bad?

No, as long as you stay under 80% erection. This (60-80%) will aim for girth gains while 20-40% will aim for length gains. A erection level of 40-60% will target both pretty equally. Choose the type of erection that benefits you the most.

Thanks, Bird.

But to try to get on the same page:

In my view, jelqing with an erection means that your inner shaft is thick and/or firm, and you would have a partial erection with no hands on the penis. I try to never jelq with what would be an erection on it’s own.

I start flaccid and jelq and/or kegel enough blood to get to a certain level of thickness or engorgement as opposed to what would be an erection on it’s own. That is acceptable, correct?

And on the 100% engorgement or thickness (again, not erection) is that still to be avoided, too?

Note that I am after length now, so I don’t try to get that thick while jelqing, it just happens from time-to-time. When that happens, I stop jelqing and let that level of thickness fade, then continue.

Tivase, You mean to say that you are not 100% erect, but 100% engorged? I have had that happen. I would think it would be fine to jelq at that kind of engorgement. Its just dangerous, especially to those whose penis’s are not conditioned to do 100% jelqs. I mean clampers can go beyond their normal girth while clamping. I think there is something that can be damaged when you 100% erect.

Originally Posted by Iwant8x6
Tivase, You mean to say that you are not 100% erect, but 100% engorged? I have had that happen.

Yes, so you know what I mean, then. :up:

Originally Posted by Iwant8x6
I would think it would be fine to jelq at that kind of engorgement. Its just dangerous, especially to those whose penis’s are not conditioned to do 100% jelqs. I mean clampers can go beyond their normal girth while clamping. I think there is something that can be damaged when you 100% erect.

Are we talking about erect or engorged?

As I said, I don’t try for this. But it happens sometimes after I have a decent number of strokes in. But you’re saying you think that even that is bad?

No, I mean jelqing at 100% erection(Can Be BAD for a Newbie). If you jelq at 100% engorgement(Good), and I know the difference, more power to you.

Originally Posted by Iwant8x6
No, I mean jelqing at 100% erection(Can Be BAD for a Newbie).


Like I said, I really don’t have any erection at all. I start completely flaccid. But on the other side I have tried this off and on over a few months and don’t have any gains yet, so I can’t say anything about the gains aspect. But it certainly seems to be the more safe and sensible thing to do.

Originally Posted by Iwant8x6
If you jelq at 100% engorgement(Good), and I know the difference, more power to you.


Have you been measuring you BPFSL Tivase?

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