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Erect Jelq Theory...

Erect Jelq Theory...

Maybe I’m late or something, but I haven’t seen anywhere where
people tell why it can be real damaging to erect jelq.
I have great fears of being too erect when i jelq no because of that.

Anyways, since I don’t believe anyone has made an official theory
or alike I will pounder a thought that I got the other day and
see what you think about it, disagree or agree?

So here’s what I seemed logical to me.

When you jelq, normally. Powerful erections will bless you.
You will have more and better erections then you’ve had before.

But on the other hand when you jelq with a 90-100% erection
you take the risk of loosing very much of your erection,s. (as I’ve understood)

Okey, so this is my idea why.
When you jelq normally, you put pressure on the smaller arteries and veins
which makes them enlarge and being able to transfer more blood the next time
they are put to pressure (next erection or jelq time) the body simply adapts
to this kind of pressure.

But on the other hand when you erect jelq, you try to fill the veins with alot
more blood, since they are already full with blood and have already expanded alot.
So therefor it is easier to break vessels and veins, especially the ones inside your schlong.
And when you break a big vein or vessel you will have alot more blood gushing out since
of the erection too. And therefor when the blood is outside the vein, it will clog up,
creating a thick hand hard blood wall which if thick enough will block the blood next time
from passing though. Which leaves people that have done erect jelq’s with limp dicks.

That is my theory, how about yours?


Actually, Ive done a shit load of erect jelqs and all it has given me is girth and a little bit of lenght. Weather you will or will not injure yourself with erect jelqs has a lot to do with how conditioned your dick is and how well you know your tool. I can sense what my penis can take and when I’m going overboard. This comes with experience and new guys lack that, that’s why they aren’t recommended for any but the more experienced members.

If you do them, warm up properly and stay focused on how you feel. Don’t take the balls to the walls approach, but add force gradually. Start the set lightly and as your tissues get more elastic, add force towards the end.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

The general opinion against erect jelqing has primarily to do with injury. If you’re 100% erect, and you’re tightly gripping the penis, trying to force even more blood forward into those already-maxed-out chambers, you run a much greater risk of injury.

I don’t know that it’s any more complicated than that.

A lighter grip is needed to prevent injury.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I favor erect jelqs. But like said above you have to be conditioned. There great for girth, and an alternative to clamping. I even started to do erect jelqs with a cockring behind my balls and got amazing expansion.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

Originally Posted by big Bori333

I favor erect jelqs. But like said above you have to be conditioned. There great for girth, and an alternative to clamping. I even started to do erect jelqs with a cockring behind my balls and got amazing expansion.

So how big are you and how much did you gain from erect jelqing?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
So how big are you and how much did you gain from erect jelqing?

I’m not big, not yet as I’m only 4 3/4 eg but gained some eg (1/4-1/2)from erect jelqs, but lost it due to not being consistent. Erect jelqs are good but clamping is king of all girth exercises!

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

Originally Posted by big Bori333

I favor erect jelqs. But like said above you have to be conditioned. There great for girth, and an alternative to clamping.


Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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Hi Rymdrattan !

Just wanted to drop by and tell you that I randomly found you on some Swedish forum - trying to convince the people that PE really works.
Do not bother - even if someone made a public service announcement about it people would not believe it, and if they did the world would be full of 9x7Er’s, and that would be shit!

I’m currently happy with my penis length and I’m concentrating on girth.
I do my jelqs mainly erect at about 85-100% erection and I do about 250 jelqs/day 3 days on 2 days off.
I know my penis perfectly well and I know what it is capable of.
Jelqs at 85-100% erect state has greatly boosted my girth growth (gained 1/4” this month) together with 95% erect manual hand clamps, I tighten the grip after a kegel (5-8 kegels) then I will clamp around the base real hard and hold it for 2 minutes x 3. I also do some 85-90% erect rubberband clamps - which I know could be dangerous because of the lack of quick escapes, but like I said, I know my penis and I keep an close eye on it while it is clamped.. I keep the rubberband on for about 10 minutes x 2 every night.

Anyways, thanks to you I found this page and I’m really thankful for it :)

Started: E .Length 7,0" E .Girth 5,0" F .Length 4,8" F .Girth 4,0"

Now: E .Length 7,3" E .Girth 5,8" F .Length 5,5" F .Girth 4,8"

Volume increase: 28,7%

Erect jelqs are great but one should start with around a 75% erection until your dick gets conditioned. Also the higher the erection rate the more of a girth exercise it becomes so if you want length try to stick to the 75% area.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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